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File: public/assets/js/dist/lang/summernote-bg-BG.js

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  Classes of harold rita   Coloftech PHP Multiple Sites Blog System   public/assets/js/dist/lang/summernote-bg-BG.js   Download  
File: public/assets/js/dist/lang/summernote-bg-BG.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Coloftech PHP Multiple Sites Blog System
CMS to Manage multiple blog sites
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 3,510 bytes



Class file image Download
(function ($) { $.extend($.summernote.lang, { 'bg-BG': { font: { bold: '????????', italic: '????????', underline: '?????????', clear: '??????? ?????????', height: '????????', name: '?????', strikethrough: '??????????', subscript: '????? ??????', superscript: '????? ??????', size: '?????? ?? ??????' }, image: { image: '???????????', insert: '??????? ????????', resizeFull: '??? ??????', resizeHalf: '?????? ?? 50%', resizeQuarter: '?????? ?? 25%', floatLeft: '???????? ? ????', floatRight: '???????? ? ?????', floatNone: '??? ????????????', dragImageHere: '??????? ????????????? ???', selectFromFiles: '???????? ????', url: 'URL ????? ?? ???????????', remove: '???????? ???????????' }, link: { link: '??????', insert: '?????? ??????', unlink: '???????? ??????', edit: '???????', textToDisplay: '????? ?? ?????????', url: 'URL ?????', openInNewWindow: '?????? ? ??? ????????' }, table: { table: '???????' }, hr: { insert: '?????? ???????????? ?????' }, style: { style: '????', p: '????????', blockquote: '?????', pre: '???', h1: '???????? 1', h2: '???????? 2', h3: '???????? 3', h4: '???????? 4', h5: '???????? 5', h6: '???????? 6' }, lists: { unordered: '???????? ??????', ordered: '?????? ??????' }, options: { help: '?????', fullscreen: '?? ??? ?????', codeview: '??????? ?? ???' }, paragraph: { paragraph: '????????', outdent: '?????????? ?? ???????', indent: '?????', left: '???????????? ? ????', center: '??????', right: '???????????? ? ?????', justify: '????????? ?? ??????' }, color: { recent: '????????? ?????? ????', more: '??? ???????', background: '???? ?? ????', foreground: '???? ?? ??????', transparent: '?????????', setTransparent: '????????? ?????????', reset: '??????????', resetToDefault: '?????????? ????????????' }, shortcut: { shortcuts: '???????? ??????????', close: '???????', textFormatting: '??????????? ?? ??????', action: '????????', paragraphFormatting: '??????????? ?? ????????', documentStyle: '???? ?? ?????????' }, history: { undo: '?????', redo: '??????' } } }); })(jQuery);