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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/Adapter.php

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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/RedBeanPHP/Adapter.php
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namespace RedBeanPHP;

 * Adapter Interface.
 * Describes the API for a RedBeanPHP Database Adapter.
 * This interface defines the API contract for
 * a RedBeanPHP Database Adapter.
 * @file RedBeanPHP/Adapter.php
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license BSD/GPLv2
 * @copyright
 * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
 * This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
interface Adapter
     * Should returns a string containing the most recent SQL query
     * that has been processed by the adapter.
     * @return string
public function getSQL();

     * Executes an SQL Statement using an array of values to bind
     * If $noevent is TRUE then this function will not signal its
     * observers to notify about the SQL execution; this to prevent
     * infinite recursion when using observers.
     * @param string $sql string containing SQL code for database
     * @param array $bindings array of values to bind to parameters in query string
     * @param boolean $noevent no event firing
     * @return int
public function exec( $sql, $bindings = array(), $noevent = FALSE );

     * Executes an SQL Query and returns a resultset.
     * This method returns a multi dimensional resultset similar to getAll
     * The values array can be used to bind values to the place holders in the
     * SQL query.
     * @param string $sql string containing SQL code for database
     * @param array $bindings array of values to bind to parameters in query string
     * @return array
public function get( $sql, $bindings = array() );

     * Executes an SQL Query and returns a resultset.
     * This method returns a single row (one array) resultset.
     * The values array can be used to bind values to the place holders in the
     * SQL query.
     * @param string $sql string containing SQL code for database
     * @param array $bindings array of values to bind to parameters in query string
     * @return array|NULL
public function getRow( $sql, $bindings = array() );

     * Executes an SQL Query and returns a resultset.
     * This method returns a single column (one array) resultset.
     * The values array can be used to bind values to the place holders in the
     * SQL query.
     * @param string $sql string containing SQL code for database
     * @param array $bindings array of values to bind to parameters in query string
     * @return array
public function getCol( $sql, $bindings = array() );

     * Executes an SQL Query and returns a resultset.
     * This method returns a single cell, a scalar value as the resultset.
     * The values array can be used to bind values to the place holders in the
     * SQL query.
     * @param string $sql string containing SQL code for database
     * @param array $bindings array of values to bind to parameters in query string
     * @return string|NULL
public function getCell( $sql, $bindings = array() );

     * Executes the SQL query specified in $sql and indexes
     * the row by the first column.
     * @param string $sql string containing SQL code for database
     * @param array $bindings array of values to bind to parameters in query string
     * @return array
public function getAssoc( $sql, $bindings = array() );

     * Executes the SQL query specified in $sql and returns
     * an associative array where the column names are the keys.
     * @param string $sql String containing SQL code for databaseQL
     * @param array $bindings values to bind
     * @return array
public function getAssocRow( $sql, $bindings = array() );

     * Returns the latest insert ID.
     * @return integer
public function getInsertID();

     * Returns the number of rows that have been
     * affected by the last update statement.
     * @return integer
public function getAffectedRows();

     * Returns a database agnostic Cursor object.
     * @param string $sql string containing SQL code for database
     * @param array $bindings array of values to bind to parameters in query string
     * @return Cursor
public function getCursor( $sql, $bindings = array() );

     * Returns the original database resource. This is useful if you want to
     * perform operations on the driver directly instead of working with the
     * adapter. RedBean will only access the adapter and never to talk
     * directly to the driver though.
     * @return Driver
public function getDatabase();

     * This method is part of the RedBean Transaction Management
     * mechanisms.
     * Starts a transaction.
     * @return void
public function startTransaction();

     * This method is part of the RedBean Transaction Management
     * mechanisms.
     * Commits the transaction.
     * @return void
public function commit();

     * This method is part of the RedBean Transaction Management
     * mechanisms.
     * Rolls back the transaction.
     * @return void
public function rollback();

     * Closes database connection.
     * @return void
public function close();

     * Sets a driver specific option.
     * Using this method you can access driver-specific functions.
     * If the selected option exists the value will be passed and
     * this method will return boolean TRUE, otherwise it will return
     * boolean FALSE.
     * @param string $optionKey option key
     * @param string $optionValue option value
     * @return boolean
public function setOption( $optionKey, $optionValue );

     * Returns the version string from the database server.
     * @return string
public function getDatabaseServerVersion();