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<?php namespace RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter; use RedBeanPHP\Adapter\DBAdapter as DBAdapter; use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException; use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter as QueryWriter; use RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean; use RedBeanPHP\RedException\SQL as SQLException; /** * RedBeanPHP Abstract Query Writer. * Represents an abstract Database to RedBean * To write a driver for a different database for RedBean * Contains a number of functions all implementors can * inherit or override. * * @file RedBeanPHP/QueryWriter/AQueryWriter.php * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community * @license BSD/GPLv2 * * @copyright * (c) copyright G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community. * This source file is subject to the BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled * with this source code in the file license.txt. */ abstract class AQueryWriter { /** * Constant: Select Snippet 'FOR UPDATE' */ const C_SELECT_SNIPPET_FOR_UPDATE = 'FOR UPDATE'; const C_DATA_TYPE_ONLY_IF_NOT_EXISTS = 80; const C_DATA_TYPE_MANUAL = 99; /** * @var array */ private static $sqlFilters = array(); /** * @var boolean */ private static $flagSQLFilterSafeMode = FALSE; /** * @var boolean */ private static $flagNarrowFieldMode = TRUE; /** * @var boolean */ protected static $flagUseJSONColumns = FALSE; /** * @var boolean */ protected static $enableISNULLConditions = FALSE; /** * @var array */ public static $renames = array(); /** * @var DBAdapter */ protected $adapter; /** * @var string */ protected $defaultValue = 'NULL'; /** * @var string */ protected $quoteCharacter = ''; /** * @var boolean */ protected $flagUseCache = TRUE; /** * @var array */ protected $cache = array(); /** * @var integer */ protected $maxCacheSizePerType = 20; /** * @var string */ protected $sqlSelectSnippet = ''; /** * @var array */ public $typeno_sqltype = array(); /** * @var array */ public $sqltype_typeno = array(); /** * @var array */ public $encoding = array(); /** * @var bool */ protected static $noNuke = false; /** * @var bool */ protected static $treatFalseAsInt = FALSE; /** * Sets a data definition template to change the data * creation statements per type. * * For instance to add ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC to all MySQL tables * upon creation: * * <code> * $sql = $writer->getDDLTemplate( 'createTable', '*' ); * $writer->setDDLTemplate( 'createTable', '*', $sql . ' ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC ' ); * </code> * * For property-specific templates set $beanType to: * account.username -- then the template will only be applied to SQL statements relating * to that column/property. * * @param string $type ( 'createTable' | 'widenColumn' | 'addColumn' ) * @param string $beanType ( type of bean or '*' to apply to all types ) * @param string $template SQL template, contains %s for slots * * @return void */ public function setDDLTemplate( $type, $beanType, $template ) { $this->DDLTemplates[ $type ][ $beanType ] = $template; } /** * Returns the specified data definition template. * If no template can be found for the specified type, the template for * '*' will be returned instead. * * @param string $type ( 'createTable' | 'widenColumn' | 'addColumn' ) * @param string $beanType ( type of bean or '*' to apply to all types ) * @param string|NULL $property specify if you're looking for a property-specific template * * @return string */ public function getDDLTemplate( $type, $beanType = '*', $property = NULL ) { $key = ( $property ) ? "{$beanType}.{$property}" : $beanType; if ( isset( $this->DDLTemplates[ $type ][ $key ] ) ) { return $this->DDLTemplates[ $type ][ $key ]; } if ( isset( $this->DDLTemplates[ $type ][ $beanType ] ) ) { return $this->DDLTemplates[ $type ][ $beanType ]; } return $this->DDLTemplates[ $type ][ '*' ]; } /** * Toggles support for IS-NULL-conditions. * If IS-NULL-conditions are enabled condition arrays * for functions including findLike() are treated so that * 'field' => NULL will be interpreted as field IS NULL * instead of being skipped. Returns the previous * value of the flag. * * @param boolean $flag TRUE or FALSE * * @return boolean */ public static function useISNULLConditions( $flag ) { $old = self::$enableISNULLConditions; self::$enableISNULLConditions = $flag; return $old; } /** * Toggles support for automatic generation of JSON columns. * Using JSON columns means that strings containing JSON will * cause the column to be created (not modified) as a JSON column. * However it might also trigger exceptions if this means the DB attempts to * convert a non-json column to a JSON column. Returns the previous * value of the flag. * * @param boolean $flag TRUE or FALSE * * @return boolean */ public static function useJSONColumns( $flag ) { $old = self::$flagUseJSONColumns; self::$flagUseJSONColumns = $flag; return $old; } /** * Toggles support for nuke(). * Can be used to turn off the nuke() feature for security reasons. * Returns the old flag value. * * @param boolean $flag TRUE or FALSE * * @return boolean */ public static function forbidNuke( $flag ) { $old = self::$noNuke; self::$noNuke = (bool) $flag; return $old; } /** * If set to TRUE, this will cause SQL bindings with an * explicit FALSE value to convert to 0 instead of ''. * Returns the old flag value. * * @param boolean $flag TRUE or FALSE * * @return boolean */ public static function treatFalseBindingsAsInt( $flag ) { $old = self::$treatFalseAsInt; self::$treatFalseAsInt = (bool) $flag; return $old; } /** * Checks whether a number can be treated like an int. * * @param string $value string representation of a certain value * * @return boolean */ public static function canBeTreatedAsInt( $value ) { return (bool) ( strval( ($value === FALSE && self::$treatFalseAsInt) ? 0 : $value ) === strval( intval( $value ) ) ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::getAssocTableFormat */ public static function getAssocTableFormat( $types ) { sort( $types ); $assoc = implode( '_', $types ); return ( isset( self::$renames[$assoc] ) ) ? self::$renames[$assoc] : $assoc; } /** * @see QueryWriter::renameAssociation */ public static function renameAssociation( $from, $to = NULL ) { if ( is_array( $from ) ) { foreach ( $from as $key => $value ) self::$renames[$key] = $value; return; } self::$renames[$from] = $to; } /** * Globally available service method for RedBeanPHP. * Converts a camel cased string to a snake cased string. * * @param string $camel camelCased string to convert to snake case * * @return string */ public static function camelsSnake( $camel ) { return strtolower( preg_replace( '/(?<=[a-z])([A-Z])|([A-Z])(?=[a-z])/', '_$1$2', $camel ) ); } /** * Globally available service method for RedBeanPHP. * Converts a snake cased string to a camel cased string. * * @param string $snake snake_cased string to convert to camelCase * @param boolean $dolphin exception for Ids - (bookId -> bookID) * too complicated for the human mind, only dolphins can understand this * * @return string */ public static function snakeCamel( $snake, $dolphinMode = false ) { $camel = lcfirst( str_replace(' ', '', ucwords( str_replace('_', ' ', $snake ) ) ) ); if ( $dolphinMode ) { $camel = preg_replace( '/(\w)Id$/', '$1ID', $camel ); } return $camel; } /** * Clears renames. * * @return void */ public static function clearRenames() { self::$renames = array(); } /** * Toggles 'Narrow Field Mode'. * In Narrow Field mode the queryRecord method will * narrow its selection field to * * SELECT {table}.* * * instead of * * SELECT * * * This is a better way of querying because it allows * more flexibility (for instance joins). However if you need * the wide selector for backward compatibility; use this method * to turn OFF Narrow Field Mode by passing FALSE. * Default is TRUE. * * @param boolean $narrowField TRUE = Narrow Field FALSE = Wide Field * * @return void */ public static function setNarrowFieldMode( $narrowField ) { self::$flagNarrowFieldMode = (boolean) $narrowField; } /** * Sets SQL filters. * This is a lowlevel method to set the SQL filter array. * The format of this array is: * * <code> * array( * '<MODE, i.e. 'r' for read, 'w' for write>' => array( * '<TABLE NAME>' => array( * '<COLUMN NAME>' => '<SQL>' * ) * ) * ) * </code> * * Example: * * <code> * array( * QueryWriter::C_SQLFILTER_READ => array( * 'book' => array( * 'title' => ' LOWER(book.title) ' * ) * ) * </code> * * Note that you can use constants instead of magical chars * as keys for the uppermost array. * This is a lowlevel method. For a more friendly method * please take a look at the facade: R::bindFunc(). * * @param array list of filters to set * * @return void */ public static function setSQLFilters( $sqlFilters, $safeMode = FALSE ) { self::$flagSQLFilterSafeMode = (boolean) $safeMode; self::$sqlFilters = $sqlFilters; } /** * Returns current SQL Filters. * This method returns the raw SQL filter array. * This is a lowlevel method. For a more friendly method * please take a look at the facade: R::bindFunc(). * * @return array */ public static function getSQLFilters() { return self::$sqlFilters; } /** * Returns a cache key for the cache values passed. * This method returns a fingerprint string to be used as a key to store * data in the writer cache. * * @param array $keyValues key-value to generate key for * * @return string */ private function getCacheKey( $keyValues ) { return json_encode( $keyValues ); } /** * Returns the values associated with the provided cache tag and key. * * @param string $cacheTag cache tag to use for lookup * @param string $key key to use for lookup * * @return mixed */ private function getCached( $cacheTag, $key ) { $sql = $this->adapter->getSQL(); if ($this->updateCache()) { if ( isset( $this->cache[$cacheTag][$key] ) ) { return $this->cache[$cacheTag][$key]; } } return NULL; } /** * Checks if the previous query had a keep-cache tag. * If so, the cache will persist, otherwise the cache will be flushed. * * Returns TRUE if the cache will remain and FALSE if a flush has * been performed. * * @return boolean */ private function updateCache() { $sql = $this->adapter->getSQL(); if ( strpos( $sql, '-- keep-cache' ) !== strlen( $sql ) - 13 ) { // If SQL has been taken place outside of this method then something else then // a select query might have happened! (or instruct to keep cache) $this->cache = array(); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Stores data from the writer in the cache under a specific key and cache tag. * A cache tag is used to make sure the cache remains consistent. In most cases the cache tag * will be the bean type, this makes sure queries associated with a certain reference type will * never contain conflicting data. * Why not use the cache tag as a key? Well * we need to make sure the cache contents fits the key (and key is based on the cache values). * Otherwise it would be possible to store two different result sets under the same key (the cache tag). * * In previous versions you could only store one key-entry, I have changed this to * improve caching efficiency (issue #400). * * @param string $cacheTag cache tag (secondary key) * @param string $key key to store values under * @param array|int $values rows or count to be stored * * @return void */ private function putResultInCache( $cacheTag, $key, $values ) { if ( isset( $this->cache[$cacheTag] ) ) { if ( count( $this->cache[$cacheTag] ) > $this->maxCacheSizePerType ) array_shift( $this->cache[$cacheTag] ); } else { $this->cache[$cacheTag] = array(); } $this->cache[$cacheTag][$key] = $values; } /** * Creates an SQL snippet from a list of conditions of format: * * <code> * array( * key => array( * value1, value2, value3 .... * ) * ) * </code> * * @param array $conditions list of conditions * @param array $bindings parameter bindings for SQL snippet * @param string $addSql additional SQL snippet to append to result * * @return string */ private function makeSQLFromConditions( $conditions, &$bindings, $addSql = '' ) { reset( $bindings ); $firstKey = key( $bindings ); $paramTypeIsNum = ( is_numeric( $firstKey ) ); $counter = 0; $sqlConditions = array(); foreach ( $conditions as $column => $values ) { if ( $values === NULL ) { if ( self::$enableISNULLConditions ) { $sqlConditions[] = $this->esc( $column ) . ' IS NULL'; } continue; } if ( is_array( $values ) ) { if ( empty( $values ) ) continue; } else { $values = array( $values ); } $checkOODB = reset( $values ); if ( $checkOODB instanceof OODBBean && $checkOODB->getMeta( 'type' ) === $column && substr( $column, -3 ) != '_id' ) $column = $column . '_id'; $sql = $this->esc( $column ); $sql .= ' IN ( '; if ( $paramTypeIsNum ) { $sql .= implode( ',', array_fill( 0, count( $values ), '?' ) ) . ' ) '; array_unshift($sqlConditions, $sql); foreach ( $values as $k => $v ) { if ( $v instanceof OODBBean ) { $v = $v->id; } $values[$k] = strval( $v ); array_unshift( $bindings, $v ); } } else { $slots = array(); foreach( $values as $k => $v ) { if ( $v instanceof OODBBean ) { $v = $v->id; } $slot = ':slot'.$counter++; $slots[] = $slot; $bindings[$slot] = strval( $v ); } $sql .= implode( ',', $slots ).' ) '; $sqlConditions[] = $sql; } } $sql = ''; if ( !empty( $sqlConditions ) ) { $sql .= " WHERE ( " . implode( ' AND ', $sqlConditions ) . ") "; } $addSql = $this->glueSQLCondition( $addSql, !empty( $sqlConditions ) ? QueryWriter::C_GLUE_AND : NULL ); if ( $addSql ) $sql .= $addSql; return $sql; } /** * Returns the table names and column names for a relational query. * * @param string $sourceType type of the source bean * @param string $destType type of the bean you want to obtain using the relation * @param boolean $noQuote TRUE if you want to omit quotes * * @return array */ private function getRelationalTablesAndColumns( $sourceType, $destType, $noQuote = FALSE ) { $linkTable = $this->esc( $this->getAssocTable( array( $sourceType, $destType ) ), $noQuote ); $sourceCol = $this->esc( $sourceType . '_id', $noQuote ); if ( $sourceType === $destType ) { $destCol = $this->esc( $destType . '2_id', $noQuote ); } else { $destCol = $this->esc( $destType . '_id', $noQuote ); } $sourceTable = $this->esc( $sourceType, $noQuote ); $destTable = $this->esc( $destType, $noQuote ); return array( $sourceTable, $destTable, $linkTable, $sourceCol, $destCol ); } /** * Determines whether a string can be considered JSON or not. * This is used by writers that support JSON columns. However * we don't want that code duplicated over all JSON supporting * Query Writers. * * @param string $value value to determine 'JSONness' of. * * @return boolean */ protected function isJSON( $value ) { return ( is_string($value) && is_array(json_decode($value, TRUE)) && (json_last_error() == JSON_ERROR_NONE) ); } /** * Given a type and a property name this method * returns the foreign key map section associated with this pair. * * @param string $type name of the type * @param string $property name of the property * * @return array|NULL */ protected function getForeignKeyForTypeProperty( $type, $property ) { $property = $this->esc( $property, TRUE ); try { $map = $this->getKeyMapForType( $type ); } catch ( SQLException $e ) { return NULL; } foreach( $map as $key ) { if ( $key['from'] === $property ) return $key; } return NULL; } /** * Returns the foreign key map (FKM) for a type. * A foreign key map describes the foreign keys in a table. * A FKM always has the same structure: * * <code> * array( * 'name' => <name of the foreign key> * 'from' => <name of the column on the source table> * 'table' => <name of the target table> * 'to' => <name of the target column> (most of the time 'id') * 'on_update' => <update rule: 'SET NULL','CASCADE' or 'RESTRICT'> * 'on_delete' => <delete rule: 'SET NULL','CASCADE' or 'RESTRICT'> * ) * </code> * * @note the keys in the result array are FKDLs, i.e. descriptive unique * keys per source table. Also see: AQueryWriter::makeFKLabel for details. * * @param string $type the bean type you wish to obtain a key map of * * @return array */ protected function getKeyMapForType( $type ) { return array(); } /** * This method makes a key for a foreign key description array. * This key is a readable string unique for every source table. * This uniform key is called the FKDL Foreign Key Description Label. * Note that the source table is not part of the FKDL because * this key is supposed to be 'per source table'. If you wish to * include a source table, prefix the key with 'on_table_<SOURCE>_'. * * @param string $from the column of the key in the source table * @param string $type the type (table) where the key points to * @param string $to the target column of the foreign key (mostly just 'id') * * @return string */ protected function makeFKLabel($from, $type, $to) { return "from_{$from}_to_table_{$type}_col_{$to}"; } /** * Returns an SQL Filter snippet for reading. * * @param string $type type of bean * * @return string */ protected function getSQLFilterSnippet( $type ) { $existingCols = array(); if (self::$flagSQLFilterSafeMode) { $existingCols = $this->getColumns( $type ); } $sqlFilters = array(); if ( isset( self::$sqlFilters[QueryWriter::C_SQLFILTER_READ][$type] ) ) { foreach( self::$sqlFilters[QueryWriter::C_SQLFILTER_READ][$type] as $property => $sqlFilter ) { if ( !self::$flagSQLFilterSafeMode || isset( $existingCols[$property] ) ) { $sqlFilters[] = $sqlFilter.' AS '.$property.' '; } } } $sqlFilterStr = ( count($sqlFilters) ) ? ( ','.implode( ',', $sqlFilters ) ) : ''; return $sqlFilterStr; } /** * Generates a list of parameters (slots) for an SQL snippet. * This method calculates the correct number of slots to insert in the * SQL snippet and determines the correct type of slot. If the bindings * array contains named parameters this method will return named ones and * update the keys in the value list accordingly (that's why we use the &). * * If you pass an offset the bindings will be re-added to the value list. * Some databases cant handle duplicate parameter names in queries. * * @param array &$valueList list of values to generate slots for (gets modified if needed) * @param array $otherBindings list of additional bindings * @param integer $offset start counter at... * * @return string */ protected function getParametersForInClause( &$valueList, $otherBindings, $offset = 0 ) { if ( is_array( $otherBindings ) && count( $otherBindings ) > 0 ) { reset( $otherBindings ); $key = key( $otherBindings ); if ( !is_numeric($key) ) { $filler = array(); $newList = (!$offset) ? array() : $valueList; $counter = $offset; foreach( $valueList as $value ) { $slot = ':slot' . ( $counter++ ); $filler[] = $slot; $newList[$slot] = $value; } // Change the keys! $valueList = $newList; return implode( ',', $filler ); } } return implode( ',', array_fill( 0, count( $valueList ), '?' ) ); } /** * Adds a data type to the list of data types. * Use this method to add a new column type definition to the writer. * Used for UUID support. * * @param integer $dataTypeID magic number constant assigned to this data type * @param string $SQLDefinition SQL column definition (e.g. INT(11)) * * @return self */ protected function addDataType( $dataTypeID, $SQLDefinition ) { $this->typeno_sqltype[ $dataTypeID ] = $SQLDefinition; $this->sqltype_typeno[ $SQLDefinition ] = $dataTypeID; return $this; } /** * Returns the sql that should follow an insert statement. * * @param string $table name * * @return string */ protected function getInsertSuffix( $table ) { return ''; } /** * Checks whether a value starts with zeros. In this case * the value should probably be stored using a text datatype instead of a * numerical type in order to preserve the zeros. * * @param string $value value to be checked. * * @return boolean */ protected function startsWithZeros( $value ) { $value = strval( $value ); if ( strlen( $value ) > 1 && strpos( $value, '0' ) === 0 && strpos( $value, '0.' ) !== 0 ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Inserts a record into the database using a series of insert columns * and corresponding insertvalues. Returns the insert id. * * @param string $table table to perform query on * @param array $insertcolumns columns to be inserted * @param array $insertvalues values to be inserted * * @return integer */ protected function insertRecord( $type, $insertcolumns, $insertvalues ) { $default = $this->defaultValue; $suffix = $this->getInsertSuffix( $type ); $table = $this->esc( $type ); if ( count( $insertvalues ) > 0 && is_array( $insertvalues[0] ) && count( $insertvalues[0] ) > 0 ) { $insertSlots = array(); foreach ( $insertcolumns as $k => $v ) { $insertcolumns[$k] = $this->esc( $v ); if (isset(self::$sqlFilters['w'][$type][$v])) { $insertSlots[] = self::$sqlFilters['w'][$type][$v]; } else { $insertSlots[] = '?'; } } $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO $table ( id, " . implode( ',', $insertcolumns ) . " ) VALUES ( $default, " . implode( ',', $insertSlots ) . " ) $suffix"; $ids = array(); foreach ( $insertvalues as $i => $insertvalue ) { $ids[] = $this->adapter->getCell( $insertSQL, $insertvalue, $i ); } $result = count( $ids ) === 1 ? array_pop( $ids ) : $ids; } else { $result = $this->adapter->getCell( "INSERT INTO $table (id) VALUES($default) $suffix" ); } if ( $suffix ) return $result; $last_id = $this->adapter->getInsertID(); return $last_id; } /** * Checks table name or column name. * * @param string $table table string * * @return string */ protected function check( $struct ) { if ( !is_string( $struct ) || !preg_match( '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/', $struct ) ) { throw new RedException( 'Identifier does not conform to RedBeanPHP security policies.' ); } return $struct; } /** * Checks whether the specified type (i.e. table) already exists in the database. * Not part of the Object Database interface! * * @param string $table table name * * @return boolean */ public function tableExists( $table ) { $tables = $this->getTables(); return in_array( $table, $tables ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::glueSQLCondition */ public function glueSQLCondition( $sql, $glue = NULL ) { static $snippetCache = array(); if ( is_null( $sql ) ) { return ''; } if ( trim( $sql ) === '' ) { return $sql; } $key = $glue . '|' . $sql; if ( isset( $snippetCache[$key] ) ) { return $snippetCache[$key]; } $lsql = ltrim( $sql ); if ( preg_match( '/^(INNER|LEFT|RIGHT|JOIN|AND|OR|WHERE|ORDER|GROUP|HAVING|LIMIT|OFFSET)\s+/i', $lsql ) ) { if ( $glue === QueryWriter::C_GLUE_WHERE && stripos( $lsql, 'AND' ) === 0 ) { $snippetCache[$key] = ' WHERE ' . substr( $lsql, 3 ); } else { $snippetCache[$key] = $sql; } } else { $snippetCache[$key] = ( ( $glue === QueryWriter::C_GLUE_AND ) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ') . $sql; } return $snippetCache[$key]; } /** * @see QueryWriter::glueLimitOne */ public function glueLimitOne( $sql = '') { return ( strpos( strtoupper( ' ' . $sql ), ' LIMIT ' ) === FALSE ) ? ( $sql . ' LIMIT 1 ' ) : $sql; } /** * @see QueryWriter::esc */ public function esc( $dbStructure, $dontQuote = FALSE ) { $this->check( $dbStructure ); return ( $dontQuote ) ? $dbStructure : $this->quoteCharacter . $dbStructure . $this->quoteCharacter; } /** * @see QueryWriter::addColumn */ public function addColumn( $beanType, $column, $field ) { $table = $beanType; $type = $field; $table = $this->esc( $table ); $column = $this->esc( $column ); $type = ( isset( $this->typeno_sqltype[$type] ) ) ? $this->typeno_sqltype[$type] : ''; $this->adapter->exec( sprintf( $this->getDDLTemplate('addColumn', $beanType, $column ), $table, $column, $type ) ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::updateRecord */ public function updateRecord( $type, $updatevalues, $id = NULL ) { $table = $type; if ( !$id ) { $insertcolumns = $insertvalues = array(); foreach ( $updatevalues as $pair ) { $insertcolumns[] = $pair['property']; $insertvalues[] = $pair['value']; } //Otherwise psql returns string while MySQL/SQLite return numeric causing problems with additions (array_diff) return (string) $this->insertRecord( $table, $insertcolumns, array( $insertvalues ) ); } if ( $id && !count( $updatevalues ) ) { return $id; } $table = $this->esc( $table ); $sql = "UPDATE $table SET "; $p = $v = array(); foreach ( $updatevalues as $uv ) { if ( isset( self::$sqlFilters['w'][$type][$uv['property']] ) ) { $p[] = " {$this->esc( $uv["property"] )} = ". self::$sqlFilters['w'][$type][$uv['property']]; } else { $p[] = " {$this->esc( $uv["property"] )} = ? "; } $v[] = $uv['value']; } $sql .= implode( ',', $p ) . ' WHERE id = ? '; $v[] = $id; $this->adapter->exec( $sql, $v ); return $id; } /** * @see QueryWriter::parseJoin */ public function parseJoin( $type, $sql, $cteType = NULL ) { if ( strpos( $sql, '@' ) === FALSE ) { return $sql; } $sql = ' ' . $sql; $joins = array(); $joinSql = ''; if ( !preg_match_all( '#@((shared|own|joined)\.[^\s(,=!?]+)#', $sql, $matches ) ) return $sql; $expressions = $matches[1]; // Sort to make the joins from the longest to the shortest uasort( $expressions, function($a, $b) { return substr_count( $b, '.' ) - substr_count( $a, '.' ); }); $nsuffix = 1; foreach ( $expressions as $exp ) { $explosion = explode( '.', $exp ); $joinTable = $type; $joinType = array_shift( $explosion ); $lastPart = array_pop( $explosion ); $lastJoin = end($explosion); if ( ( $index = strpos( $lastJoin, '[' ) ) !== FALSE ) { $lastJoin = substr( $lastJoin, 0, $index); } reset($explosion); // Let's check if we already joined that chain // If that's the case we skip this $joinKey = implode( '.', $explosion ); foreach ( $joins as $chain => $suffix ) { if ( strpos ( $chain, $joinKey ) === 0 ) { $sql = str_replace( "@{$exp}", "{$lastJoin}__rb{$suffix}.{$lastPart}", $sql ); continue 2; } } $sql = str_replace( "@{$exp}", "{$lastJoin}__rb{$nsuffix}.{$lastPart}", $sql ); $joins[$joinKey] = $nsuffix; // We loop on the elements of the join $i = 0; while ( TRUE ) { $joinInfo = $explosion[$i]; if ( $i ) { $joinType = $explosion[$i-1]; $joinTable = $explosion[$i-2]; } $aliases = array(); if ( ( $index = strpos( $joinInfo, '[' ) ) !== FALSE ) { if ( preg_match_all( '#(([^\s:/\][]+)[/\]])#', $joinInfo, $matches ) ) { $aliases = $matches[2]; $joinInfo = substr( $joinInfo, 0, $index); } } if ( ( $index = strpos( $joinTable, '[' ) ) !== FALSE ) { $joinTable = substr( $joinTable, 0, $index); } if ( $i ) { $joinSql .= $this->writeJoin( $joinTable, $joinInfo, 'INNER', $joinType, FALSE, "__rb{$nsuffix}", $aliases, NULL ); } else { $joinSql .= $this->writeJoin( $joinTable, $joinInfo, 'LEFT', $joinType, TRUE, "__rb{$nsuffix}", $aliases, $cteType ); } $i += 2; if ( !isset( $explosion[$i] ) ) { break; } } $nsuffix++; } $sql = str_ireplace( ' where ', ' WHERE ', $sql ); if ( strpos( $sql, ' WHERE ') === FALSE ) { if ( preg_match( '/^(ORDER|GROUP|HAVING|LIMIT|OFFSET)\s+/i', trim($sql) ) ) { $sql = "{$joinSql} {$sql}"; } else { $sql = "{$joinSql} WHERE {$sql}"; } } else { $sqlParts = explode( ' WHERE ', $sql, 2 ); $sql = "{$sqlParts[0]} {$joinSql} WHERE {$sqlParts[1]}"; } return $sql; } /** * @see QueryWriter::writeJoin */ public function writeJoin( $type, $targetType, $leftRight = 'LEFT', $joinType = 'parent', $firstOfChain = TRUE, $suffix = '', $aliases = array(), $cteType = NULL ) { if ( $leftRight !== 'LEFT' && $leftRight !== 'RIGHT' && $leftRight !== 'INNER' ) throw new RedException( 'Invalid JOIN.' ); $globalAliases = OODBBean::getAliases(); if ( isset( $globalAliases[$targetType] ) ) { $destType = $globalAliases[$targetType]; $asTargetTable = $this->esc( $targetType.$suffix ); } else { $destType = $targetType; $asTargetTable = $this->esc( $destType.$suffix ); } if ( $firstOfChain ) { $table = $this->esc( $type ); } else { $table = $this->esc( $type.$suffix ); } $targetTable = $this->esc( $destType ); if ( $joinType == 'shared' ) { if ( isset( $globalAliases[$type] ) ) { $field = $this->esc( $globalAliases[$type], TRUE ); if ( $aliases && count( $aliases ) === 1 ) { $assocTable = reset( $aliases ); } else { $assocTable = $this->getAssocTable( array( $cteType ? $cteType : $globalAliases[$type], $destType ) ); } } else { $field = $this->esc( $type, TRUE ); if ( $aliases && count( $aliases ) === 1 ) { $assocTable = reset( $aliases ); } else { $assocTable = $this->getAssocTable( array( $cteType ? $cteType : $type, $destType ) ); } } $linkTable = $this->esc( $assocTable ); $asLinkTable = $this->esc( $assocTable.$suffix ); $leftField = "id"; $rightField = $cteType ? "{$cteType}_id" : "{$field}_id"; $linkField = $this->esc( $destType, TRUE ); $linkLeftField = "id"; $linkRightField = "{$linkField}_id"; $joinSql = " {$leftRight} JOIN {$linkTable}"; if ( isset( $globalAliases[$targetType] ) || $suffix ) { $joinSql .= " AS {$asLinkTable}"; } $joinSql .= " ON {$table}.{$leftField} = {$asLinkTable}.{$rightField}"; $joinSql .= " {$leftRight} JOIN {$targetTable}"; if ( isset( $globalAliases[$targetType] ) || $suffix ) { $joinSql .= " AS {$asTargetTable}"; } $joinSql .= " ON {$asTargetTable}.{$linkLeftField} = {$asLinkTable}.{$linkRightField}"; } elseif ( $joinType == 'own' ) { $field = $this->esc( $type, TRUE ); $rightField = "id"; $joinSql = " {$leftRight} JOIN {$targetTable}"; if ( isset( $globalAliases[$targetType] ) || $suffix ) { $joinSql .= " AS {$asTargetTable}"; } if ( $aliases ) { $conditions = array(); foreach ( $aliases as $alias ) { $conditions[] = "{$asTargetTable}.{$alias}_id = {$table}.{$rightField}"; } $joinSql .= " ON ( " . implode( ' OR ', $conditions ) . " ) "; } else { $leftField = $cteType ? "{$cteType}_id" : "{$field}_id"; $joinSql .= " ON {$asTargetTable}.{$leftField} = {$table}.{$rightField} "; } } else { $field = $this->esc( $targetType, TRUE ); $leftField = "id"; $joinSql = " {$leftRight} JOIN {$targetTable}"; if ( isset( $globalAliases[$targetType] ) || $suffix ) { $joinSql .= " AS {$asTargetTable}"; } if ( $aliases ) { $conditions = array(); foreach ( $aliases as $alias ) { $conditions[] = "{$asTargetTable}.{$leftField} = {$table}.{$alias}_id"; } $joinSql .= " ON ( " . implode( ' OR ', $conditions ) . " ) "; } else { $rightField = "{$field}_id"; $joinSql .= " ON {$asTargetTable}.{$leftField} = {$table}.{$rightField} "; } } return $joinSql; } /** * Sets an SQL snippet to be used for the next queryRecord() operation. * A select snippet will be inserted at the end of the SQL select statement and * can be used to modify SQL-select commands to enable locking, for instance * using the 'FOR UPDATE' snippet (this will generate an SQL query like: * 'SELECT * FROM ... FOR UPDATE'. After the query has been executed the * SQL snippet will be erased. Note that only the first upcoming direct or * indirect invocation of queryRecord() through batch(), find() or load() * will be affected. The SQL snippet will be cached. * * @param string $sql SQL snippet to use in SELECT statement. * * return self */ public function setSQLSelectSnippet( $sqlSelectSnippet = '' ) { $this->sqlSelectSnippet = $sqlSelectSnippet; return $this; } /** * @see QueryWriter::queryRecord */ public function queryRecord( $type, $conditions = array(), $addSql = NULL, $bindings = array() ) { if ( $this->flagUseCache && $this->sqlSelectSnippet != self::C_SELECT_SNIPPET_FOR_UPDATE ) { $key = $this->getCacheKey( array( $conditions, trim("$addSql {$this->sqlSelectSnippet}"), $bindings, 'select' ) ); if ( $cached = $this->getCached( $type, $key ) ) { return $cached; } } $table = $this->esc( $type ); $sqlFilterStr = ''; if ( count( self::$sqlFilters ) ) { $sqlFilterStr = $this->getSQLFilterSnippet( $type ); } if ( is_array ( $conditions ) && !empty ( $conditions ) ) { $sql = $this->makeSQLFromConditions( $conditions, $bindings, $addSql ); } else { $sql = $this->glueSQLCondition( $addSql ); } $sql = $this->parseJoin( $type, $sql ); $fieldSelection = self::$flagNarrowFieldMode ? "{$table}.*" : '*'; $sql = "SELECT {$fieldSelection} {$sqlFilterStr} FROM {$table} {$sql} {$this->sqlSelectSnippet} -- keep-cache"; $this->sqlSelectSnippet = ''; $rows = $this->adapter->get( $sql, $bindings ); if ( $this->flagUseCache && !empty( $key ) ) { $this->putResultInCache( $type, $key, $rows ); } return $rows; } /** * @see QueryWriter::queryRecordWithCursor */ public function queryRecordWithCursor( $type, $addSql = NULL, $bindings = array() ) { $table = $this->esc( $type ); $sqlFilterStr = ''; if ( count( self::$sqlFilters ) ) { $sqlFilterStr = $this->getSQLFilterSnippet( $type ); } $sql = $this->glueSQLCondition( $addSql, NULL ); $sql = $this->parseJoin( $type, $sql ); $fieldSelection = self::$flagNarrowFieldMode ? "{$table}.*" : '*'; $sql = "SELECT {$fieldSelection} {$sqlFilterStr} FROM {$table} {$sql} -- keep-cache"; return $this->adapter->getCursor( $sql, $bindings ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::queryRecordRelated */ public function queryRecordRelated( $sourceType, $destType, $linkIDs, $addSql = '', $bindings = array() ) { list( $sourceTable, $destTable, $linkTable, $sourceCol, $destCol ) = $this->getRelationalTablesAndColumns( $sourceType, $destType ); if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $key = $this->getCacheKey( array( $sourceType, implode( ',', $linkIDs ), trim($addSql), $bindings, 'selectrelated' ) ); if ( $cached = $this->getCached( $destType, $key ) ) { return $cached; } } $addSql = $this->glueSQLCondition( $addSql, QueryWriter::C_GLUE_WHERE ); $inClause = $this->getParametersForInClause( $linkIDs, $bindings ); $sqlFilterStr = ''; if ( count( self::$sqlFilters ) ) { $sqlFilterStr = $this->getSQLFilterSnippet( $destType ); } if ( $sourceType === $destType ) { $inClause2 = $this->getParametersForInClause( $linkIDs, $bindings, count( $bindings ) ); //for some databases $sql = " SELECT {$destTable}.* {$sqlFilterStr} , COALESCE( NULLIF({$linkTable}.{$sourceCol}, {$destTable}.id), NULLIF({$linkTable}.{$destCol}, {$destTable}.id)) AS linked_by FROM {$linkTable} INNER JOIN {$destTable} ON ( {$destTable}.id = {$linkTable}.{$destCol} AND {$linkTable}.{$sourceCol} IN ($inClause) ) OR ( {$destTable}.id = {$linkTable}.{$sourceCol} AND {$linkTable}.{$destCol} IN ($inClause2) ) {$addSql} -- keep-cache"; $linkIDs = array_merge( $linkIDs, $linkIDs ); } else { $sql = " SELECT {$destTable}.* {$sqlFilterStr}, {$linkTable}.{$sourceCol} AS linked_by FROM {$linkTable} INNER JOIN {$destTable} ON ( {$destTable}.id = {$linkTable}.{$destCol} AND {$linkTable}.{$sourceCol} IN ($inClause) ) {$addSql} -- keep-cache"; } $bindings = array_merge( $linkIDs, $bindings ); $rows = $this->adapter->get( $sql, $bindings ); if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $this->putResultInCache( $destType, $key, $rows ); } return $rows; } /** * @see QueryWriter::queryRecordLink */ public function queryRecordLink( $sourceType, $destType, $sourceID, $destID ) { list( $sourceTable, $destTable, $linkTable, $sourceCol, $destCol ) = $this->getRelationalTablesAndColumns( $sourceType, $destType ); if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $key = $this->getCacheKey( array( $sourceType, $destType, $sourceID, $destID, 'selectlink' ) ); if ( $cached = $this->getCached( $linkTable, $key ) ) { return $cached; } } $sqlFilterStr = ''; if ( count( self::$sqlFilters ) ) { $linkType = $this->getAssocTable( array( $sourceType, $destType ) ); $sqlFilterStr = $this->getSQLFilterSnippet( "{$linkType}" ); } if ( $sourceTable === $destTable ) { $sql = "SELECT {$linkTable}.* {$sqlFilterStr} FROM {$linkTable} WHERE ( {$sourceCol} = ? AND {$destCol} = ? ) OR ( {$destCol} = ? AND {$sourceCol} = ? ) -- keep-cache"; $row = $this->adapter->getRow( $sql, array( $sourceID, $destID, $sourceID, $destID ) ); } else { $sql = "SELECT {$linkTable}.* {$sqlFilterStr} FROM {$linkTable} WHERE {$sourceCol} = ? AND {$destCol} = ? -- keep-cache"; $row = $this->adapter->getRow( $sql, array( $sourceID, $destID ) ); } if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $this->putResultInCache( $linkTable, $key, $row ); } return $row; } /** * Returns or counts all rows of specified type that have been tagged with one of the * strings in the specified tag list array. * * Note that the additional SQL snippet can only be used for pagination, * the SQL snippet will be appended to the end of the query. * * @param string $type the bean type you want to query * @param array $tagList an array of strings, each string containing a tag title * @param boolean $all if TRUE only return records that have been associated with ALL the tags in the list * @param string $addSql addition SQL snippet, for pagination * @param array $bindings parameter bindings for additional SQL snippet * @param string $wrap SQL wrapper string (use %s for subquery) * * @return array */ private function queryTaggedGeneric( $type, $tagList, $all = FALSE, $addSql = '', $bindings = array(), $wrap = '%s' ) { if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $key = $this->getCacheKey( array( implode( ',', $tagList ), $all, trim($addSql), $bindings, 'selectTagged' ) ); if ( $cached = $this->getCached( $type, $key ) ) { return $cached; } } $assocType = $this->getAssocTable( array( $type, 'tag' ) ); $assocTable = $this->esc( $assocType ); $assocField = $type . '_id'; $table = $this->esc( $type ); $slots = implode( ',', array_fill( 0, count( $tagList ), '?' ) ); $score = ( $all ) ? count( $tagList ) : 1; $sql = " SELECT {$table}.* FROM {$table} INNER JOIN {$assocTable} ON {$assocField} = {$table}.id INNER JOIN tag ON {$assocTable}.tag_id = WHERE tag.title IN ({$slots}) GROUP BY {$table}.id HAVING count({$table}.id) >= ? {$addSql} -- keep-cache "; $sql = sprintf($wrap,$sql); $bindings = array_merge( $tagList, array( $score ), $bindings ); $rows = $this->adapter->get( $sql, $bindings ); if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $this->putResultInCache( $type, $key, $rows ); } return $rows; } /** * @see QueryWriter::queryTagged */ public function queryTagged( $type, $tagList, $all = FALSE, $addSql = '', $bindings = array() ) { return $this->queryTaggedGeneric( $type, $tagList, $all, $addSql, $bindings ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::queryCountTagged */ public function queryCountTagged( $type, $tagList, $all = FALSE, $addSql = '', $bindings = array() ) { $rows = $this->queryTaggedGeneric( $type, $tagList, $all, $addSql, $bindings, 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS counted FROM (%s) AS counting' ); return intval($rows[0]['counted']); } /** * @see QueryWriter::queryRecordCount */ public function queryRecordCount( $type, $conditions = array(), $addSql = NULL, $bindings = array() ) { if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $key = $this->getCacheKey( array( $conditions, trim($addSql), $bindings, 'count' ) ); if ( $cached = $this->getCached( $type, $key ) ) { return $cached; } } $table = $this->esc( $type ); if ( is_array ( $conditions ) && !empty ( $conditions ) ) { $sql = $this->makeSQLFromConditions( $conditions, $bindings, $addSql ); } else { $sql = $this->glueSQLCondition( $addSql ); } $sql = $this->parseJoin( $type, $sql ); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$table} {$sql} -- keep-cache"; $count = (int) $this->adapter->getCell( $sql, $bindings ); if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $this->putResultInCache( $type, $key, $count ); } return $count; } /** * @see QueryWriter::queryRecordCountRelated */ public function queryRecordCountRelated( $sourceType, $destType, $linkID, $addSql = '', $bindings = array() ) { list( $sourceTable, $destTable, $linkTable, $sourceCol, $destCol ) = $this->getRelationalTablesAndColumns( $sourceType, $destType ); if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $cacheType = "#{$sourceType}/{$destType}"; $key = $this->getCacheKey( array( $sourceType, $destType, $linkID, trim($addSql), $bindings, 'countrelated' ) ); if ( $cached = $this->getCached( $cacheType, $key ) ) { return $cached; } } if ( $sourceType === $destType ) { $sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$linkTable} INNER JOIN {$destTable} ON ( {$destTable}.id = {$linkTable}.{$destCol} AND {$linkTable}.{$sourceCol} = ? ) OR ( {$destTable}.id = {$linkTable}.{$sourceCol} AND {$linkTable}.{$destCol} = ? ) {$addSql} -- keep-cache"; $bindings = array_merge( array( $linkID, $linkID ), $bindings ); } else { $sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$linkTable} INNER JOIN {$destTable} ON ( {$destTable}.id = {$linkTable}.{$destCol} AND {$linkTable}.{$sourceCol} = ? ) {$addSql} -- keep-cache"; $bindings = array_merge( array( $linkID ), $bindings ); } $count = (int) $this->adapter->getCell( $sql, $bindings ); if ( $this->flagUseCache ) { $this->putResultInCache( $cacheType, $key, $count ); } return $count; } /** * @see QueryWriter::queryRecursiveCommonTableExpression */ public function queryRecursiveCommonTableExpression( $type, $id, $up = TRUE, $addSql = NULL, $bindings = array(), $selectForm = FALSE ) { if ($selectForm === QueryWriter::C_CTE_SELECT_COUNT) { $selectForm = "count(redbeantree.*)"; } elseif ( $selectForm === QueryWriter::C_CTE_SELECT_NORMAL ) { $selectForm = "redbeantree.*"; } $alias = $up ? 'parent' : 'child'; $direction = $up ? " {$alias}.{$type}_id = {$type}.id " : " {$alias}.id = {$type}.{$type}_id "; /* allow numeric and named param bindings, if '0' exists then numeric */ if ( array_key_exists( 0,$bindings ) ) { array_unshift( $bindings, $id ); $idSlot = '?'; } else { $idSlot = ':slot0'; $bindings[$idSlot] = $id; } $sql = $this->glueSQLCondition( $addSql, QueryWriter::C_GLUE_WHERE ); $sql = $this->parseJoin( 'redbeantree', $sql, $type ); $rows = $this->adapter->get(" WITH RECURSIVE redbeantree AS ( SELECT * FROM {$type} WHERE {$type}.id = {$idSlot} UNION ALL SELECT {$type}.* FROM {$type} INNER JOIN redbeantree {$alias} ON {$direction} ) SELECT {$selectForm} FROM redbeantree {$sql};", $bindings ); return $rows; } /** * @see QueryWriter::deleteRecord */ public function deleteRecord( $type, $conditions = array(), $addSql = NULL, $bindings = array() ) { $table = $this->esc( $type ); if ( is_array ( $conditions ) && !empty ( $conditions ) ) { $sql = $this->makeSQLFromConditions( $conditions, $bindings, $addSql ); } else { $sql = $this->glueSQLCondition( $addSql ); } $sql = "DELETE FROM {$table} {$sql}"; return $this->adapter->exec( $sql, $bindings ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::deleteRelations */ public function deleteRelations( $sourceType, $destType, $sourceID ) { list( $sourceTable, $destTable, $linkTable, $sourceCol, $destCol ) = $this->getRelationalTablesAndColumns( $sourceType, $destType ); if ( $sourceTable === $destTable ) { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$linkTable} WHERE ( {$sourceCol} = ? ) OR ( {$destCol} = ? ) "; $this->adapter->exec( $sql, array( $sourceID, $sourceID ) ); } else { $sql = "DELETE FROM {$linkTable} WHERE {$sourceCol} = ? "; $this->adapter->exec( $sql, array( $sourceID ) ); } } /** * @see QueryWriter::widenColumn */ public function widenColumn( $type, $property, $dataType ) { if ( !isset($this->typeno_sqltype[$dataType]) ) return FALSE; $table = $this->esc( $type ); $column = $this->esc( $property ); $newType = $this->typeno_sqltype[$dataType]; $this->adapter->exec( sprintf( $this->getDDLTemplate( 'widenColumn', $type, $column ), $type, $column, $column, $newType ) ); return TRUE; } /** * @see QueryWriter::wipe */ public function wipe( $type ) { $table = $this->esc( $type ); $this->adapter->exec( "TRUNCATE $table " ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::renameAssocTable */ public function renameAssocTable( $from, $to = NULL ) { self::renameAssociation( $from, $to ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::getAssocTable */ public function getAssocTable( $types ) { return self::getAssocTableFormat( $types ); } /** * Turns caching on or off. Default: off. * If caching is turned on retrieval queries fired after eachother will * use a result row cache. * * @param boolean * * @return void */ public function setUseCache( $yesNo ) { $this->flushCache(); $this->flagUseCache = (bool) $yesNo; } /** * Flushes the Query Writer Cache. * Clears the internal query cache array and returns its overall * size. * * @return mixed */ public function flushCache( $newMaxCacheSizePerType = NULL, $countCache = TRUE ) { if ( !is_null( $newMaxCacheSizePerType ) && $newMaxCacheSizePerType > 0 ) { $this->maxCacheSizePerType = $newMaxCacheSizePerType; } $count = $countCache ? count( $this->cache, COUNT_RECURSIVE ) : NULL; $this->cache = array(); return $count; } /** * @deprecated Use esc() instead. * * @param string $column column to be escaped * @param boolean $noQuotes omit quotes * * @return string */ public function safeColumn( $column, $noQuotes = FALSE ) { return $this->esc( $column, $noQuotes ); } /** * @deprecated Use esc() instead. * * @param string $table table to be escaped * @param boolean $noQuotes omit quotes * * @return string */ public function safeTable( $table, $noQuotes = FALSE ) { return $this->esc( $table, $noQuotes ); } /** * @see QueryWriter::addUniqueConstraint */ public function addUniqueIndex( $type, $properties ) { return $this->addUniqueConstraint( $type, $properties ); } }