namespace RedUNIT\Base;
use RedUNIT\Base as Base;
use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
use RedBeanPHP\Adapter\DBAdapter;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\PostgreSQL;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\SQLiteT;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\MySQL;
use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter\CUBRID;
use RedBeanPHP\OODB;
use RedBeanPHP\BeanHelper;
use RedBeanPHP\Driver\RPDO;
* Bean
* One of the core test suites of RedBeanPHP, tests the
* bean interface and all basic bean functions, including
* deletion, updating, inserting, importing and more...
* @file RedUNIT/Base/Bean.php
* @desc Tests list manipulations of bean.
* @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
* @license New BSD/GPLv2
* (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
* This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
* with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Bean extends Base
* Test whether we can use trimport().
public function testTrimport()
$array = array('greeting'=>' hello ', 'to'=>' world ');
$bean = R::dispense('greeting');
$bean->trimport($bean->export(), 'strtoupper');
* Test whether we can use findFromSQL to extract beans
* from the result of an SQL query.
public function testFindFromSQL() {
$book = R::dispense('book');
$book->title = 'My Book';
R::store( $book );
$books = R::findFromSQL('book','SELECT *, 100 AS pages FROM book WHERE title = ? ', array('My Book'), array('pages'));
asrt(is_array($books), TRUE);
asrt(count($books), 1);
$book = reset($books);
asrt($book->title, 'My Book');
asrt(intval($book->info('pages')), 100);
asrt(intval($book->info('pages',0)), 100);
asrt($book->info('signatures',0), 0);
asrt(is_null($book->info('signatures')), TRUE);
$data = R::findFromSQL('book','SELECT *, 100 AS pages FROM book WHERE title = ? ', array('My Book'), array('pages'), TRUE);
asrt(is_array($data), TRUE);
asrt(count($data), 2);
$meta = $data[0];
$books = $data[1];
asrt(is_array($meta), TRUE);
asrt(count($meta), 1);
asrt(isset($meta['pages']), TRUE);
asrt(intval($meta['pages']), 100);
asrt(is_array($books), TRUE);
asrt(count($books), 1);
$book = reset($books);
asrt($book->title, 'My Book');
asrt(intval($book->info('pages')), 100);
asrt(intval($book->info('pages',0)), 100);
asrt($book->info('signatures',0), 0);
asrt(is_null($book->info('signatures')), TRUE);
$data = R::findFromSQL('book','SELECT *, 100 AS pages FROM book WHERE title = ? AND id = -2 ', array('My Book'), array('pages'), TRUE);
asrt(is_array($data), TRUE);
asrt(count($data), 2);
$meta = $data[0];
$books = $data[1];
asrt(is_array($meta), TRUE);
asrt(is_array($books), TRUE);
asrt(count($meta), 1);
asrt(array_key_exists('pages', $meta), TRUE);
asrt(count($books), 0);
$books = R::findFromSQL('book','SELECT *, 100 AS pages FROM book WHERE title = ? ', array('Not My Book'), array('pages'));
asrt(is_array($books), TRUE);
asrt(count($books), 0);
* Tests whether we can override the __toString() method of
* a bean (for example to display binary data).
public function testToStringOverride()
$bean = R::dispense('string');
$bean->text = '"Hello"';
$base64 = strval( $bean );
asrt( $base64, 'IkhlbGxvIg==' );
* Tests whether we can use RedBeanPHP core objects without
* Facade related objects in a non-static style.
* @return void
public function testLooselyWired()
$pdo = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getPDO();
$database = new RPDO( $pdo );
$adapter = new DBAdapter( $database );
if ($this->currentlyActiveDriverID == 'pgsql') $writer = new PostgreSQL( $adapter );
if ($this->currentlyActiveDriverID == 'mysql') $writer = new MySQL( $adapter );
if ($this->currentlyActiveDriverID == 'sqlite') $writer = new SQLiteT( $adapter );
if ($this->currentlyActiveDriverID == 'CUBRID') $writer = new CUBRID( $adapter );
$oodb = new OODB( $writer, FALSE );
$bean = $oodb->dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->name = 'coffeeBean';
$id = $oodb->store( $bean );
asrt( ( $id > 0 ), TRUE );
$bean = $oodb->load( 'bean', $id );
asrt( $bean->name, 'coffeeBean' );
asrt( $oodb->count( 'bean' ), 1 );
$oodb->trash( $bean );
asrt( $oodb->count( 'bean' ), 0 );
* From github (issue #549):
* Imagine you have a simple Post object, which has a person_id and
* is supposed to be associated to a Person.
* $post = R::findOne('post');
* $a = $post->person ?? null;
* $b = $post->person;
* $c = $post->person ?? null;
* var_dump($a ? 'Person A is named ' . $a->name : 'No person A');
* var_dump($b ? 'Person B is named ' . $b->name : 'No person B');
* var_dump($c ? 'Person C is named ' . $c->name : 'No person C');
* I would expect to either have the person's name in the output three times,
* or 'No person' in the output three times.
* What actually happens is that $a is null,
* so the first access fails, but the other two succeed.
* I'm guessing this happens because the implementation of offsetExists
* doesn't agree with offsetGet around relations.
* @return void
public function testIssue549OffsetExistsVsOffsetGet()
list( $post, $person ) = R::dispenseAll( 'post,person' );
$post->person = $person;
R::store( $post );
$post = R::findOne('post');
$a = (isset( $post->person )) ? $post->person : NULL;
$b = $post->person;
$c = (isset( $post->person )) ? $post->person : NULL;
$strA = ($a ? 'Y' : 'N');
$strB = ($b ? 'Y' : 'N');
$strC = ($c ? 'Y' : 'N');
$out = "{$strA}{$strB}{$strC}";
asrt( $out, 'NYY' );
asrt( isset( $post->other ), FALSE );
list( $post, $person ) = R::dispenseAll( 'post,person' );
$post->person = $person;
R::store( $post );
$post = R::findOne('post');
$a = ( $post->exists('person') ) ? $post->person : NULL;
$b = $post->person;
$c = ( $post->exists('person') ) ? $post->person : NULL;
$strA = ($a ? 'Y' : 'N');
$strB = ($b ? 'Y' : 'N');
$strC = ($c ? 'Y' : 'N');
$out = "{$strA}{$strB}{$strC}";
asrt( $out, 'YYY' );
asrt( isset( $post->other ), FALSE );
asrt( $post->exists('comment'), FALSE );
* Tests whether we can send results of a query to meta data
* when converting to bean.
public function testImportMeta()
$book = R::dispense( array(
'_type' => 'book',
'title' => 'Bean Recipes',
'author' => 'Meastro de la Bean'
) );
$pages = R::dispenseAll( 'page*2' );
$book->ownPageList = reset( $pages );
R::store( $book );
$data = R::getRow('SELECT book.*,
COUNT(page.id) AS meta_count,
1234 AS meta_extra
FROM book
LEFT JOIN page ON page.book_id = book.id
GROUP BY book.id
$bean = R::convertToBean( 'book', $data, 'meta_' );
asrt( isset( $bean->title ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $bean->author ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $bean->meta_count ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $bean->meta_extra ), FALSE );
$data = $bean->getMeta( 'data.bundle' );
asrt( intval( $data['meta_count'] ), 2);
asrt( intval( $data['meta_extra'] ), 1234);
//now with multiple beans
$book = R::dispense( array(
'_type' => 'book',
'title' => 'Bean Adventures',
'author' => 'Mr Adventure'
) );
$pages = R::dispenseAll( 'page*3' );
$book->ownPageList = reset( $pages );
R::store( $book );
$data = R::getAll('SELECT book.*,
COUNT(page.id) AS meta_pages
FROM book
LEFT JOIN page ON page.book_id = book.id
GROUP BY book.id
$books = R::convertToBeans( 'book', $data, 'meta_' );
$found = 0;
foreach( $books as $book ) {
if ( $book->title == 'Bean Recipes' ) {
asrt( isset( $book->title ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->author ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->meta_count ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->meta_extra ), FALSE );
$data = $book->getMeta( 'data.bundle' );
asrt( intval( $data['meta_pages'] ), 2);
if ( $book->title == 'Bean Adventures' ) {
asrt( isset( $book->title ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->author ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $book->meta_pages ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $book->meta_extra ), FALSE );
$data = $book->getMeta( 'data.bundle' );
asrt( intval( $data['meta_pages'] ), 3);
asrt( $found, 2 );
* Test beautification conflicts...
* Issue #418
* @return void
public function testBeau()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->ownerId = 2;
$book->ownerCritic = 'a';
$book->sharedbyReader = 'b';
$id = R::store( $book );
$columns = R::inspect( 'book' );
asrt( isset( $columns['owner_id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $columns['owner_critic'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $columns['sharedby_reader'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $columns['ownerId'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $columns['ownerCritic'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $columns['sharedbyReader'] ), FALSE );
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->xownerId = 2;
$book->xownerCritic = 'a';
$book->sharedbyReader = 'b';
$id = R::store( $book );
$columns = R::inspect( 'book' );
asrt( isset( $columns['xowner_id'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $columns['xowner_critic'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $columns['sharedby_reader'] ), TRUE );
asrt( isset( $columns['xownerId'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $columns['xownerCritic'] ), FALSE );
asrt( isset( $columns['sharedbyReader'] ), FALSE );
* Misc bean tests.
* @return void
public function testMisc()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' );
R::store( $book );
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count( 'book' ), 0 );
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count( 'book' ), 0 );
$book->title = 'x';
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count( 'book' ), 0 );
* Can we set a date string by passing a date object?
public function testBeanDates()
$bean = R::dispense('bean');
$dateTime = '1980-01-01 10:11:12';
$bean->date = new \DateTime( $dateTime );
asrt( $bean->date, $dateTime );
R::store( $bean );
$bean = $bean->fresh();
asrt( ($bean->date instanceof \DateTime), FALSE );
asrt( ($bean->asDateTime()->date instanceof \DateTime), TRUE );
asrt( $bean->asDateTime()->date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $dateTime );
* Only fire update query if the bean really contains different
* values. But make sure beans several 'parents' away still get
* saved.
* @return void
public function testBeanTainting()
$logger = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger();
list( $i, $k, $c, $s ) = R::dispenseAll( 'invoice,customer,city,state' );
$i->customer = $k;
$i->status = 0;
$k->city = $c;
$c->state = $s;
$s->name = 'x';
R::store( $i );
$i = $i->fresh();
asrt( $i->customer->city->state->name, 'x' );
$i->status = 1;
R::freeze( TRUE );
$logger = R::debug( 1, 1 );
//do we properly skip unmodified but tainted parent beans?
R::store( $i );
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
//does cascade update still work?
$i = $i->fresh();
$i->customer->city->state->name = 'y';
R::store( $i );
$i = $i->fresh();
asrt( $i->customer->city->state->name, 'y' );
$i = $i->fresh();
$differentCity = R::dispense( 'city' );
R::store( $differentCity );
$i->customer->city = $differentCity;
R::store( $i );
$i = $i->fresh();
asrt( ( $i->customer->city->id != $c->id ), TRUE );
asrt( is_null( $i->customer->city->state ), TRUE );
$i->customer->city = NULL;
R::store( $i );
$i = $i->fresh();
asrt( is_null( $i->customer->city ), TRUE );
$i->customer = $k;
$i->status = 0;
$k->city = $c;
$c->state = $s;
$s->name = 'x';
R::store( $i );
R::freeze( FALSE );
$i = $i->fresh();
//can we still change remote parent?
$i->customer->city->name = 'q';
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
$i = $i->fresh();
asrt( $i->customer->city->name, 'q' );
//do we properly skip unmodified but tainted parent beans?
$i->status = 3;
R::store( $i );
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
* Test whether the number of update queries
* executed is limited to the ones that are absolutely
* necessary to sync the database.
* @return void
public function testUpdateQueries()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$book->title = 'Eye of Wight';
$book->xownPageList = R::dispense( 'page', 10 );
$book->sharedCategoryList = R::dispense( 'category', 2 );
$n = 1;
foreach( $book->xownPageList as $page ) {
$page->number = $n++;
$book->sharedCategory[0]->name = 'adventure';
$book->sharedCategory[1]->name = 'puzzle';
$book->author = R::dispense( 'author' );
$book->author->name = 'John';
$book->map = R::dispense( 'map' );
$book->map->name = 'Wight';
$book->map->xownLocationList = R::dispense( 'location', 3 );
asrt( $book->getMeta('tainted'), TRUE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('changed'), TRUE );
R::store( $book );
asrt( $book->getMeta('tainted'), FALSE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('changed'), FALSE );
$logger = R::debug( 1, 1 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->getMeta('tainted'), FALSE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('changed'), FALSE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('tainted'), TRUE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('changed'), FALSE );
R::store( $book );
//read only, no updates
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 0 );
$book->title = 'Spirit of the Stones';
R::store( $book );
//changed title, 1 update
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
//store again, no changes, no updates
R::store( $book );
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 0 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->getMeta('tainted'), TRUE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('changed'), FALSE );
R::store( $book );
//access only, no update
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 0 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->getMeta('tainted'), TRUE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('changed'), FALSE );
R::store( $book );
//access only, no update
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 0 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->getMeta('tainted'), TRUE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('changed'), FALSE );
R::store( $book );
//remove only, no update, just 1 delete
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 0 );
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'DELETE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->xownPageList ), 9 );
$book = $book->fresh();
$book->xownPageList[] = R::dispense('page');
asrt( $book->getMeta('tainted'), TRUE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('changed'), FALSE );
R::store( $book );
//no update, 1 insert, just adding
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 0 );
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'INSERT' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->xownPageList ), 10 );
$book = $book->fresh();
$book->map->xownLocationList[1]->name = 'Horshoe Bay';
asrt( $book->getMeta('tainted'), TRUE );
asrt( $book->getMeta('changed'), FALSE );
asrt( $book->map->getMeta('tainted'), TRUE );
asrt( $book->map->getMeta('changed'), FALSE );
asrt( $book->map->xownLocationList[1]->getMeta('tainted'), TRUE );
asrt( $book->map->xownLocationList[1]->getMeta('changed'), TRUE );
R::store( $book );
//1 update for child of parent, no other updates
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->map->xownLocationList[1]->name, 'Horshoe Bay' );
R::store( $book );
//just access, no updates
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 0 );
$book = $book->fresh();
$book->ownPageList[2]->number = 99;
R::store( $book );
//1 update, do not update rest of pages or book itself
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
$book = $book->fresh();
$book->author->name = 'Worsley';
R::store( $book );
//1 update for parent
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
$author = R::dispense('author');
$author->name = 'J.W.';
R::store( $author );
$book = $book->fresh();
$book->author = $author;
$author->name = 'JW';
R::store( $book );
//2 updates, one for author, one for link field: author_id needs update.
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 2 );
$author->country = R::dispense( 'country' )->setAttr( 'name', 'England' );
R::store( $author );
$book = $book->fresh();
$book->author->country->name = 'Wight';
R::store( $book );
//1 update, country only, dont update for intermediate parents: book -> author -> ...
$numberOfUpdateQueries = $logger->grep( 'UPDATE' );
asrt( count( $numberOfUpdateQueries ), 1 );
* Tests effects of importFrom and setProperty.
* @return void
public function testImportFromAndSetProp()
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'tainted' ), TRUE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'changed' ), TRUE );
$bean->setMeta( 'tainted', FALSE );
$bean->setMeta( 'changed', FALSE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'tainted' ), FALSE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'changed' ), FALSE );
$bean->importFrom( R::dispense( 'bean' ) );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'tainted' ), TRUE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'changed' ), TRUE );
$bean->setMeta( 'tainted', FALSE );
$bean->setMeta( 'changed', FALSE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'tainted' ), FALSE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'changed' ), FALSE );
$bean->setProperty( 'id', 0, TRUE, TRUE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'tainted' ), TRUE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'changed' ), TRUE );
$bean->setMeta( 'tainted', FALSE );
$bean->setMeta( 'changed', FALSE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'tainted' ), FALSE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'changed' ), FALSE );
$bean->setProperty( 'id', 0, TRUE, FALSE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'tainted' ), FALSE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'changed' ), FALSE );
$bean->name = 'x';
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'tainted' ), TRUE );
asrt( $bean->getMeta( 'changed' ), TRUE );
* Setup
* @return void
private function _createBook()
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$pages = R::dispense( 'page', 2 );
$ads = R::dispense('ad', 3 );
$tags = R::dispense( 'tag', 2 );
$author = R::dispense( 'author' );
$coauthor = R::dispense( 'author' );
$book->alias( 'magazine' )->ownAd = $ads;
$book->ownPage = $pages;
$book->sharedTag = $tags;
$book->via( 'connection' )->sharedUser = array( R::dispense( 'user' ) );
$book->author = $author;
$book->coauthor = $coauthor;
R::store( $book );
return $book->fresh();
* Can we add a bean to a list?
* @return void
public function testWhetherWeCanAddToLists()
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' );
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('page'), 3 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->ownPageList[] = R::dispense('page');
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('page'), 3 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->xownPage[] = R::dispense('page');
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('page'), 3 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->xownPageList[] = R::dispense('page');
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('page'), 3 );
$ads = R::dispense('ad', 3 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->alias('magazine')->ownAd = $ads;
$book->ownPage[] = R::dispense('page');
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('ad'), 6 );
asrt( R::count('page'), 3 );
$ads = R::dispense('ad', 3 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->alias('magazine')->ownAdList = $ads;
$book->ownPageList[] = R::dispense('page');
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('ad'), 6 );
asrt( R::count('page'), 3 );
$ads = R::dispense('ad', 3 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->alias('magazine')->xownAd = $ads;
$book->xownPage[] = R::dispense('page');
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('ad'), 3 );
asrt( R::count('page'), 3 );
$ads = R::dispense('ad', 3 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->alias('magazine')->xownAdList = $ads;
$book->xownPageList[] = R::dispense('page');
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('ad'), 3 );
asrt( R::count('page'), 3 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->sharedTag[] = R::dispense('tag');
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('tag'), 3 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$book->sharedTagList[] = R::dispense('tag');
R::store( $book );
asrt( R::count('tag'), 3 );
* Can we delete a bean in a list by its ID?
* Only the UNSET() variant should work.
* @return void
public function testDeleteByIDs()
$book = $this->_createBook();
$firstPage = reset( $book->ownPageList );
$book->ownPage[ $firstPage->id ] = NULL;
try { R::store( $book ); fail(); }catch(\Exception $e) { pass(); }
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
$firstPage = reset( $book->ownPageList );
unset( $book->ownPage[ $firstPage->id ] );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 1 );
$firstPage = reset( $book->ownPageList );
$book->ownPage[ $firstPage->id ] = FALSE;
try { R::store( $book ); fail(); }catch(\Exception $e) { pass(); }
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 0 );
$book = $this->_createBook();
$firstAd = reset( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd );
$book->alias('magazine')->ownAd[ $firstAd->id ] = NULL;
try { R::store( $book ); fail(); }catch(\Exception $e) { pass(); }
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 3 );
$firstAd = reset( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAdList );
unset( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAdList[ $firstAd->id ] );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 2 );
$firstAd = reset( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd );
$book->alias('magazine')->ownAd[ $firstAd->id ] = FALSE;
try { R::store( $book ); fail(); }catch(\Exception $e) { pass(); }
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 1 );
* You CAN delete an own-list by assiging an empty array.
* @return void
public function testDeleteOwnListWithEmptyArray()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->ownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->ownPage = array(); //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->ownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 0 );
* You cannot delete an own-list by assigning NULL.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteOwnListWithNULL()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->ownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->ownPage = NULL; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->ownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
* You cannot delete an own-list by assigning FALSE.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteOwnListWithFalse()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->ownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->ownPage = FALSE; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->ownPage), TRUE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( $book->ownPage, '0' );
* You cannot delete an own-list by unsetting it.
public function testCANTDeleteOwnListWithUnset()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->ownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
unset( $book->ownPage ); //does NOT remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->ownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
* You CAN delete an aliased own-list by assiging an empty array.
* @return void
public function testDeleteAliasedOwnListWithEmptyArray()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->alias('magazine')->ownAd), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 3 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->alias('magazine')->ownAd = array(); //remove all
$book->ownPage[] = R::dispense('page');
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->alias('magazine')->ownAd), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 0 );
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownPage ), 0 ); //also test possible confusion
asrt( count( $book->all()->ownPageList ), 3 );
* You cannot delete an aliased own-list by assigning NULL.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteAliasedOwnListWithNULL()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->alias('magazine')->ownAd), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 3 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->alias('magazine')->ownAd = NULL; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->alias('magazine')->ownAd), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 3 );
* You cannot delete an aliased own-list by assigning FALSE.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteAliasedOwnListWithFalse()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->alias('magazine')->ownAd), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 3 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->alias('magazine')->ownAd = FALSE; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->alias('magazine')->ownAd), TRUE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd, '0' );
* You cannot delete an aliased own-list by unsetting it.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteAliasedOwnListWithUnset()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->alias('magazine')->ownAd), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 3 ); //when loaded has 2
unset( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ); //does NOT remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->alias('magazine')->ownAd), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->alias('magazine')->ownAd ), 3 );
* You CAN delete an x-own-list by assiging an empty array.
* @return void
public function testDeleteXOwnListWithEmptyArray()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->xownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->xownPage = array(); //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->xownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 0 );
* You cannot delete an x-own-list by assigning NULL.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteXOwnListWithNULL()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->xownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->xownPage = NULL; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->xownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 2 );
* You cannot delete an x-own-list by assigning FALSE.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteXOwnListWithFalse()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->xownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->xownPage = FALSE; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->xownPage), TRUE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( $book->xownPage, '0' );
* You cannot delete an x-own-list by unsetting it.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteXOwnListWithUnset()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->xownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
unset( $book->xownPage ); //does NOT remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->xownPage), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->xownPage ), 2 );
* You CAN delete a shared-list by assiging an empty array.
* @return void
public function testDeleteSharedListWithEmptyArray()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->sharedTag), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->sharedTag = array(); //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->sharedTag), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 0 );
* You cannot delete a shared list by assigning NULL.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteSharedListWithNULL()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->sharedTag), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->sharedTag = NULL; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->sharedTag), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 2 );
* You cannot delete a shared-list by assigning FALSE.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteSharedListWithFalse()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->sharedTag), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->sharedTag = FALSE; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->sharedTag), TRUE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( $book->sharedTag, '0' );
* You cannot delete a shared-list by unsetting it.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteSharedWithUnset()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->sharedTag), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 2 ); //when loaded has 2
unset( $book->sharedTag ); //does NOT remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->sharedTag), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->sharedTag ), 2 );
* You CAN delete a shared-list by assiging an empty array.
* @return void
public function testDeleteViaSharedListWithEmptyArray()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->via('connection')->sharedUser), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->via('connection')->sharedUser ), 1 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->via('connection')->sharedUser = array(); //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->via('connection')->sharedUser), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->via('connection')->sharedUser ), 0 );
* You cannot delete a shared-list by assigning NULL.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteViaSharedListWithNULL()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->via('connection')->sharedUser), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->via('connection')->sharedUser ), 1 ); //when loaded has 2
$book->via('connection')->sharedUser = NULL; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->via('connection')->sharedUser), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->via('connection')->sharedUser ), 1 );
* You cannot delete a shared list by assigning FALSE.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteViaSharedListWithFalse()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->via('connection')->sharedUser), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->via('connection')->sharedUser ), 1 ); //when loaded has 1
$book->via('connection')->sharedUser = FALSE; //remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->via('connection')->sharedUser), TRUE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->via('connection')->sharedUser ), 1 ); //when loaded has 1
* You cannot delete a shared-list by unsetting it.
* @return void
public function testCANTDeleteViaSharedWithUnset()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->via('connection')->sharedUser), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->via('connection')->sharedUser ), 1 ); //when loaded has 2
unset( $book->via('connection')->sharedUser ); //does NOT remove all
R::store( $book );
asrt( isset($book->via('connection')->sharedUser), FALSE ); //not loaded yet, lazy loading
asrt( count( $book->via('connection')->sharedUser ), 1 );
* You cannot delete a parent bean by unsetting it.
* @return void
public function testYouCANTDeleteParentBeanWithUnset()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->author), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->author), TRUE );
unset( $book->author );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset($book->author), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->author), TRUE );
* You cannot delete a parent bean by setting it to NULL.
* @return void
public function testYouCANDeleteParentBeanWithNULL()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->author), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->author), TRUE );
$book->author = NULL;
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset($book->author), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->author), FALSE );
* You CAN delete a parent bean by setting it to FALSE.
* @return void
public function testYouCANDeleteParentBeanWithFALSE()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->author), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->author), TRUE );
$book->author = FALSE;
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset($book->author), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->author), FALSE );
* You cannot delete an aliased parent bean by unsetting it.
* @return void
public function testYouCANTDeleteAliasedParentBeanWithUnset()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), TRUE );
unset( $book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), TRUE );
* You CAN delete an aliased parent bean by setting it to NULL.
* @return void
public function testYouCANDeleteAliasedParentBeanWithNULL()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), TRUE );
$book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor = NULL;
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), FALSE );
* You cannot delete an aliased parent bean by setting it to FALSE.
* @return void
public function testYouCANDeleteAliasedParentBeanWithFALSE()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( isset($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), TRUE );
$book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor = FALSE;
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( isset($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), FALSE );
asrt( (boolean) ($book->fetchAs('author')->coauthor), FALSE );
* Tests the effects of unsetting on the shadow of a list.
* @return void
public function testUnsettingAListAndShadow()
$book = $this->_createBook();
//should work with ownPage and ownPageList as well...
unset( $book->ownPageList );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
unset( $book->ownPage );
//shadow should be reloaded as well...
$book->with(' LIMIT 1 ')->ownPage;
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 2 );
asrt( count( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.ownPage') ), 2 );
unset( $book->ownPage );
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.ownPage'), NULL );
//no load must clear shadow as well...
$book->noLoad()->ownPage[] = R::dispense( 'page' );
asrt( count( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.ownPage') ), 0 );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( count( $book->ownPage ), 3 );
$lists = array( 'ownPage', 'ownPageList', 'xownPage', 'xownPageList', 'sharedPage', 'sharedPageList' );
foreach( $lists as $list ) {
$book = R::dispense( 'book' );
$shadowKey = $list;
if ( strpos( $list, 'x' ) === 0) $shadowKey = substr( $shadowKey, 1 );
$shadowKey = preg_replace( '/List$/', '', $shadowKey );
asrt( is_array( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey) ), TRUE );
unset( $book->$list );
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey), NULL );
$book->$list; //reloading brings back shadow
asrt( is_array( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey) ), TRUE );
$book->$list = array(); //keeps shadow (very important to compare deletions!)
asrt( is_array( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey) ), TRUE );
R::store( $book ); //clears shadow
$book->alias('magazine')->$list; //reloading with alias also brings back shadow
unset( $book->$list );
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey), NULL );
$book = $book->fresh(); //clears shadow, reload
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey), NULL );
$book->noLoad()->$list; //reloading with noload also brings back shadow
asrt( is_array( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey) ), TRUE );
asrt( count( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey) ), 0 );
$book = $book->fresh(); //clears shadow, reload
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey), NULL );
$book->all()->$list; //reloading with all also brings back shadow
asrt( is_array( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey) ), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh(); //clears shadow, reload
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey), NULL );
$book->with(' LIMIT 1 ')->$list; //reloading with with- all also brings back shadow
asrt( is_array( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey) ), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh(); //clears shadow, reload
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey), NULL );
$book->$list = array(); //keeps shadow (very important to compare deletions!)
asrt( is_array( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey) ), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh(); //clears shadow, reload
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey), NULL );
$book->$list = array(); //keeps shadow (very important to compare deletions!)
asrt( is_array( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey) ), TRUE );
R::trash( $book );
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.'.$shadowKey), NULL );
//no shadow for parent bean
$book = $book->fresh();
$book->author = R::dispense( 'author' );
asrt( $book->getMeta('sys.shadow.author'), NULL );
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
unset( $book->author ); //we can unset and it does not remove
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( is_object( $book->author ),TRUE );
//but we can also remove
$book->author = NULL;
R::store( $book );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->author, NULL );
* Test whether the tainted flag gets set correctly.
* @return void
public function testAccessingTainting()
$book = $this->_createBook();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
$book->title = 'Hello';
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), TRUE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
$book = $book->fresh();
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );
$book->title = 1;
$book->setMeta( 'tainted', FALSE );
asrt( $book->isTainted(), FALSE );