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<?php namespace RedUNIT\Base; use RedUNIT\Base as Base; use RedBeanPHP\Facade as R; use RedBeanPHP\Logger\RDefault as RDefault; use RedBeanPHP\Logger as Logger; use RedBeanPHP\OODBBean as OODBBean; use RedBeanPHP\OODB as OODB; use RedBeanPHP\Adapter as Adapter; use RedBeanPHP\QueryWriter as QueryWriter; use RedBeanPHP\RedException as RedException; use RedBeanPHP\RedException\SQL as SQL; use RedBeanPHP\Driver\RPDO as RPDO; use RedBeanPHP\SimpleModel as SimpleModel; /** * Misc * * @file RedUNIT/Base/Misc.php * @desc Various tests. * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community * @license New BSD/GPLv2 * * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community. * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled * with this source code in the file license.txt. */ class Misc extends Base { /** * Can we use data definition templates? * * @return void */ public function testDDLTemplates() { R::nuke(); R::debug( TRUE, 1 ); $writer = R::getWriter(); $writer->setDDLTemplate( 'createTable', 'joke', $writer->getDDLTemplate( 'createTable', 'joke' ) . ' /* haha */ ' ); $writer->setDDLTemplate( 'addColumn', 'joke', $writer->getDDLTemplate( 'addColumn', 'joke' ) . ' /* hihi */ ' ); $writer->setDDLTemplate( 'widenColumn', 'joke', $writer->getDDLTemplate( 'widenColumn', 'joke' ) . ' /* hoho */ ' ); $joke = R::dispense('joke'); R::store( $joke ); $logs = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger()->grep( 'haha' ); asrt( count( $logs ), 1 ); $joke->punchline = 1; R::store( $joke ); $logs = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger()->grep( 'hihi' ); asrt( count( $logs ), 1 ); $joke->punchline = '...'; R::store( $joke ); $logs = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger()->grep( 'hoho' ); asrt( count( $logs ), 1 ); R::debug( FALSE ); } /** * Github issue: * Remove $NULL to directly return NULL #625 * @@ -1097,8 +1097,7 @@ public function &__get( $property ) * $this->all = FALSE; * $this->via = NULL; * * - $NULL = NULL; * - return $NULL; * + return NULL; * * leads to regression: * PHP Stack trace: * PHP 1. {main}() testje.php:0 * PHP 2. RedBeanPHP\OODBBean->__get() testje.php:22 * Notice: Only variable references should be returned by reference in rb.php on line 2529 */ public function testReferencedGetInBeans() { $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); //this will trigger notice if &__get() returns NULL instead of $NULL.#625 $x = $bean->hello; pass(); $x = $bean->reference; pass(); $x = $bean->nullvalue; pass(); } public static $setupPartialBeansTestDone = 0; /** * Check partial beans at setup() */ public function testPartialBeansAtSetup() { if (self::$setupPartialBeansTestDone) return; /* only needs to be tested once */ $currentDB = R::$currentDB; $key = 'partialBeanBase' . time(); $dsn = 'sqlite:/tmp/test.txt'; $user = ''; $pass = ''; $frozen = FALSE; $partialBeans = TRUE; R::addDatabase( $key, $dsn, $user, $pass, $frozen, $partialBeans); $redbean = R::getRedBean(); $wasItSet = $redbean->getCurrentRepository()->usePartialBeans( FALSE ); R::selectDatabase( $key ); $redbean = R::getRedBean(); $wasItSet = $redbean->getCurrentRepository()->usePartialBeans( FALSE ); asrt( $wasItSet, TRUE ); self::$setupPartialBeansTestDone = 1; R::selectDatabase( $currentDB ); } /** * Test whether we can set the 'auto clear' * option in OODB. * * @return void */ public function testAutoClearHistory() { testpack( 'Auto clear history' ); $book = R::dispense( 'book' ); $book->pages = 100; $book->title = 'book'; R::store( $book ); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); asrt( $book->hasChanged( 'title' ), FALSE ); $book->title = 'yes'; R::store( $book ); asrt( $book->hasChanged( 'title' ), TRUE ); OODB::autoClearHistoryAfterStore( TRUE ); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); asrt( $book->hasChanged( 'title' ), FALSE ); $book->title = 'yes2'; R::store( $book ); asrt( $book->hasChanged( 'title' ), FALSE ); OODB::autoClearHistoryAfterStore( FALSE ); $book = R::findOne( 'book' ); asrt( $book->hasChanged( 'title' ), FALSE ); $book->title = 'yes'; R::store( $book ); asrt( $book->hasChanged( 'title' ), TRUE ); } /** * Tests the R::inspect() method on the Facade. * * @return void */ public function testInspect() { testpack( 'Test R::inspect() ' ); R::nuke(); R::store( R::dispense( 'book' )->setAttr( 'title', 'book' ) ); $info = R::inspect(); asrt( count( $info ), 1 ); asrt( strtolower( $info[0] ), 'book' ); $info = R::inspect( 'book' ); asrt( count( $info ), 2 ); $keys = array_keys( $info ); sort($keys); asrt( strtolower( $keys[0] ), 'id' ); asrt( strtolower( $keys[1] ), 'title' ); } /** * Test whether we can use the tableExist() method in OODB * instances directly to help us determine * the existance of a table. * * @return void */ public function testTableExist() { R::nuke(); R::store( R::dispense( 'book' ) ); R::freeze( FALSE ); asrt( R::getRedBean()->tableExists( 'book' ), TRUE ); asrt( R::getRedBean()->tableExists( 'book2' ), FALSE ); R::freeze( TRUE ); asrt( R::getRedBean()->tableExists( 'book' ), TRUE ); asrt( R::getRedBean()->tableExists( 'book2' ), FALSE ); R::freeze( FALSE ); } /** * Normally the check() method is always called indirectly when * dealing with beans. This test ensures we can call check() * directly. Even though frozen repositories do not rely on * bean checking to improve performance the method should still * offer the same functionality when called directly. * * @return void */ public function testCheckDirectly() { $bean = new OODBBean; $bean->setProperty('id', 0); $bean->setMeta( 'type', 'book' ); R::getRedBean()->check( $bean ); $bean->setMeta( 'type', '.' ); try { R::getRedBean()->check( $bean ); fail(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { pass(); } //check should remain the same even if frozen repo is used, method is public after all! //we dont want to break the API! R::freeze( TRUE ); try { R::getRedBean()->check( $bean ); fail(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { pass(); } R::freeze( FALSE ); } /** * Test Backward compatibility writer ESC-method. * * @return void */ public function testLegacyCode() { testpack( 'Test Backward compatibility methods in writer.' ); asrt( R::getWriter()->safeColumn( 'column', TRUE ), R::getWriter()->esc( 'column', TRUE ) ); asrt( R::getWriter()->safeColumn( 'column', FALSE ), R::getWriter()->esc( 'column', FALSE ) ); asrt( R::getWriter()->safeTable( 'table', TRUE ), R::getWriter()->esc( 'table', TRUE ) ); asrt( R::getWriter()->safeTable( 'table', FALSE ), R::getWriter()->esc( 'table', FALSE ) ); } /** * Test beautification and array functions. * * @return void */ public function testBeauficationAndArrayFunctions() { $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->isReallyAwesome = TRUE; asrt( isset( $bean->isReallyAwesome ), TRUE ); asrt( isset( $bean->is_really_awesome ), TRUE ); unset( $bean->is_really_awesome ); asrt( isset( $bean->isReallyAwesome ), FALSE ); asrt( isset( $bean->is_really_awesome ), FALSE ); } /** * Test beautification of column names. * * @return void */ public function testBeautifulColumnNames() { testpack( 'Beautiful column names' ); $town = R::dispense( 'town' ); $town->isCapital = FALSE; $town->hasTrainStation = TRUE; $town->name = 'BeautyVille'; $houses = R::dispense( 'house', 2 ); $houses[0]->isForSale = TRUE; $town->ownHouse = $houses; R::store( $town ); $town = R::load( 'town', $town->id ); asrt( ( $town->isCapital == FALSE ), TRUE ); asrt( ( $town->hasTrainStation == TRUE ), TRUE ); asrt( ( $town->name == 'BeautyVille' ), TRUE ); testpack( 'Accept datetime objects.' ); $cal = R::dispense( 'calendar' ); $cal->when = new \DateTime( '2000-01-01', new \DateTimeZone( 'Pacific/Nauru' ) ); asrt( $cal->when, '2000-01-01 00:00:00' ); testpack( 'Affected rows test' ); $currentDriver = $this->currentlyActiveDriverID; $toolbox = R::getToolBox(); $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter(); $writer = $toolbox->getWriter(); $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean(); $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase(); $bean = $redbean->dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->prop = 3; //make test run with strict mode as well $redbean->store( $bean ); $adapter->exec( 'UPDATE bean SET prop = 2' ); asrt( $adapter->getAffectedRows(), 1 ); testpack( 'Testing Logger' ); R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->setLogger( new RDefault ); asrt( ( R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger() instanceof Logger ), TRUE ); asrt( ( R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getLogger() instanceof RDefault ), TRUE ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $bean->property = 1; $bean->unsetAll( array( 'property' ) ); asrt( $bean->property, NULL ); asrt( ( $bean->setAttr( 'property', 2 ) instanceof OODBBean ), TRUE ); asrt( $bean->property, 2 ); asrt( preg_match( '/\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d/', R::isoDate() ), 1 ); asrt( preg_match( '/\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d\s\d\d:\d\d:\d\d/', R::isoDateTime() ), 1 ); $redbean = R::getRedBean(); $adapter = R::getDatabaseAdapter(); $writer = R::getWriter(); asrt( ( $redbean instanceof OODB ), TRUE ); asrt( ( $adapter instanceof Adapter ), TRUE ); asrt( ( $writer instanceof QueryWriter ), TRUE ); R::setRedBean( $redbean ); pass(); //cant really test this R::setDatabaseAdapter( $adapter ); pass(); //cant really test this R::setWriter( $writer ); pass(); //cant really test this $u1 = R::dispense( 'user' ); $u1->name = 'Gabor'; $u1->login = 'g'; $u2 = R::dispense( 'user' ); $u2->name = 'Eric'; $u2->login = 'e'; R::store( $u1 ); R::store( $u2 ); $list = R::getAssoc( 'select login,' . R::getWriter()->esc( 'name' ) . ' from ' . R::getWriter()->esc( 'user' ) . ' ' ); asrt( $list['e'], 'Eric' ); asrt( $list['g'], 'Gabor' ); $painting = R::dispense( 'painting' ); $painting->name = 'Nighthawks'; $id = R::store( $painting ); testpack( 'Testing SQL Error Types' ); foreach ( $writer->typeno_sqltype as $code => $text ) { asrt( is_integer( $code ), TRUE ); asrt( is_string( $text ), TRUE ); } foreach ( $writer->sqltype_typeno as $text => $code ) { asrt( is_integer( $code ), TRUE ); asrt( is_string( $text ), TRUE ); } testpack( 'Testing Nowhere Pt. 1 (unfrozen)' ); foreach ( array( 'exec', 'getAll', 'getCell', 'getAssoc', 'getRow', 'getCol' ) as $method ) { R::$method( 'select * from nowhere' ); pass(); } testpack( 'Testing Nowhere Pt. 2 (frozen)' ); R::freeze( TRUE ); foreach ( array( 'exec', 'getAll', 'getCell', 'getAssoc', 'getRow', 'getCol' ) as $method ) { try { R::$method( 'select * from nowhere' ); fail(); } catch ( SQL $e ) { pass(); } } R::freeze( FALSE ); } /** * Test reflectional functions of database. * * @return void */ public function testDatabaseProperties() { testpack( 'Testing Database Properties' ); $adapter = R::getDatabaseAdapter(); if ( method_exists( R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase(), 'getPDO' ) ){ asrt( $adapter->getDatabase()->getPDO() instanceof \PDO, TRUE ); } asrt( strlen( $adapter->getDatabase()->getDatabaseVersion() ) > 0, TRUE ); asrt( strlen( $adapter->getDatabase()->getDatabaseType() ) > 0, TRUE ); } /** * Test Transactions. * * @return void */ public function testTransactions() { testpack( 'transactions' ); $false = R::begin(); asrt( $false, FALSE ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); R::store( $bean ); R::commit(); asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 ); R::trash( $bean ); R::setAllowFluidTransactions( TRUE ); asrt( R::begin(), TRUE ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); R::store( $bean ); asrt( R::commit(), TRUE ); asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 1 ); R::trash( $bean ); asrt( R::begin(), TRUE ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); R::store( $bean ); R::rollback(); asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 0 ); R::setAllowFluidTransactions( FALSE ); R::wipe('bean'); R::freeze( TRUE ); R::begin(); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); R::store( $bean ); R::rollback(); asrt( R::count( 'bean' ), 0 ); R::freeze( FALSE ); testpack( 'genSlots' ); asrt( R::genSlots( array( 'a', 'b' ) ), '?,?' ); asrt( R::genSlots( array( 'a' ) ), '?' ); asrt( R::genSlots( array() ), '' ); asrt( R::genSlots( array('a', 'b'), ' IN( %s ) ' ), ' IN( ?,? ) ' ); } /** * Test nested FUSE scenarios. * * @return void */ public function testFUSEnested() { testpack( 'FUSE models cant touch nested beans in update() - issue 106' ); $spoon = R::dispense( 'spoon' ); $spoon->name = 'spoon for test bean'; $deep = R::dispense( 'deep' ); $deep->name = 'deepbean'; $item = R::dispense( 'item' ); $item->val = 'Test'; $item->deep = $deep; $test = R::dispense( 'test' ); $test->item = $item; $test->sharedSpoon[] = $spoon; $test->isnowtainted = TRUE; $id = R::store( $test ); $test = R::load( 'test', $id ); asrt( $test->item->val, 'Test2' ); $can = reset( $test->ownCan ); $spoon = reset( $test->sharedSpoon ); asrt( $can->name, 'can for bean' ); asrt( $spoon->name, 'S2' ); asrt( $test->item->deep->name, '123' ); asrt( count( $test->ownCan ), 1 ); asrt( count( $test->sharedSpoon ), 1 ); asrt( count( $test->sharedPeas ), 10 ); asrt( count( $test->ownChip ), 9 ); } /** * Tests FUSE and lists, FUSE enforces no more than * 3 sugar cubes in coffee. * * @return void */ public function testCoffeeWithSugarAndFUSE() { $coffee = R::dispense( 'coffee' ); $coffee->size = 'XL'; $coffee->ownSugar = R::dispense( 'sugar', 5 ); $id = R::store( $coffee ); $coffee = R::load( 'coffee', $id ); asrt( count( $coffee->ownSugar ), 3 ); $coffee->ownSugar = R::dispense( 'sugar', 2 ); $id = R::store( $coffee ); $coffee = R::load( 'coffee', $id ); asrt( count( $coffee->ownSugar ), 2 ); $cocoa = R::dispense( 'cocoa' ); $cocoa->name = 'Fair Cocoa'; list( $taste1, $taste2 ) = R::dispense( 'taste', 2 ); $taste1->name = 'sweet'; $taste2->name = 'bitter'; $cocoa->ownTaste = array( $taste1, $taste2 ); R::store( $cocoa ); $cocoa->name = 'Koko'; R::store( $cocoa ); if ( method_exists( R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase(), 'getPDO' ) ) { $pdo = R::getDatabaseAdapter()->getDatabase()->getPDO(); $driver = new RPDO( $pdo ); pass(); asrt( $pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE ),\PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION ); asrt( $pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE ),\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ); asrt( strval( $driver->GetCell( 'select 123' ) ), '123' ); } $a = new SQL; $a->setSqlState( 'test' ); $b = strval( $a ); asrt( ( strpos( $b, '[test] - ' ) === 0 ), TRUE ); } /** * ENUM Basic tests. * * @return void */ public function testENUMBasics() { asrt( R::enum( 'gender:male' )->name, 'MALE' ); asrt( R::enum( 'country:South-Africa' )->name, 'SOUTH_AFRICA' ); asrt( R::enum( 'tester:T@E S_t' )->name, 'T_E_S_T' ); } /** * Test ENUM in Queries and with short hand notation. * * @return void */ public function testENUMInQuery() { testpack('Test ENUM in Query and test ENUM short notation'); R::nuke(); $coffee = R::dispense( 'coffee' ); $coffee->taste = R::enum( 'flavour:mocca' ); R::store( $coffee ); $coffee = R::dispense( 'coffee' ); $coffee->taste = R::enum( 'flavour:banana' ); R::store( $coffee ); $coffee = R::dispense( 'coffee' ); $coffee->taste = R::enum( 'flavour:banana' ); R::store( $coffee ); //now we have two flavours asrt( R::count('flavour'), 2 ); //use in query asrt( R::count( 'coffee', ' taste_id = ? ', array( R::enum( 'flavour:mocca' )->id ) ), 1); //use in quer with short notation asrt( R::count( 'coffee', ' taste_id = ? ', array( EID( 'flavour:mocca' ) ) ), 1); //use in query asrt( R::count( 'coffee', ' taste_id = ? ', array( R::enum( 'flavour:banana' )->id ) ), 2); //use in quer with short notation asrt( R::count( 'coffee', ' taste_id = ? ', array( EID( 'flavour:banana' ) ) ), 2); //use in query asrt( R::count( 'coffee', ' taste_id = ? ', array( R::enum( 'flavour:strawberry' )->id ) ), 0); //use in quer with short notation asrt( R::count( 'coffee', ' taste_id = ? ', array( EID( 'flavour:strawberry' ) ) ), 0); } /** * Test ENUM functionality offered by Label Maker. * * @return void */ public function testENUM() { testpack('test ENUM'); $coffee = R::dispense( 'coffee' ); $coffee->taste = R::enum( 'flavour:mocca' ); //did we create an enum? asrt( implode( '', R::gatherLabels( R::enum( 'flavour' ) ) ), 'MOCCA' ); R::store( $coffee ); $coffee = $coffee->fresh(); //test enum identity check - with alias asrt( $coffee->fetchAs( 'flavour' )->taste->equals( R::enum('flavour:mocca') ), TRUE ); asrt( $coffee->fetchAs( 'flavour' )->taste->equals( R::enum('flavour:banana') ), FALSE ); //now we have two flavours asrt( R::count( 'flavour' ), 2 ); asrt( implode( ',', R::gatherLabels( R::enum( 'flavour') ) ), 'BANANA,MOCCA' ); $coffee->flavour = R::enum( 'flavour:mocca' ); R::store($coffee); //same results, can we have multiple flavours? asrt( $coffee->fetchAs( 'flavour' )->taste->equals( R::enum( 'flavour:mocca' ) ), TRUE ); asrt( $coffee->fetchAs( 'flavour' )->taste->equals( R::enum( 'flavour:banana' ) ), FALSE ); asrt( $coffee->flavour->equals( R::enum( 'flavour:mocca' ) ), TRUE ); //no additional mocca enum... asrt( R::count( 'flavour' ), 2 ); $drink = R::dispense( 'drink' ); $drink->flavour = R::enum( 'flavour:choco' ); R::store( $drink ); //now we have three! asrt( R::count('flavour'), 3 ); $drink = R::load( 'drink', $drink->id ); asrt( $drink->flavour->equals( R::enum('flavour:mint') ), FALSE ); asrt( $drink->flavour->equals( R::enum('flavour:choco') ), TRUE ); asrt( R::count( 'flavour' ), 4 ); //trash should not affect flavour! R::trash( $drink ); asrt( R::count( 'flavour' ), 4 ); } /** * Test trashAll(). */ public function testMultiDeleteUpdate() { testpack( 'test multi delete and multi update' ); $beans = R::dispenseLabels( 'bean', array( 'a', 'b' ) ); $ids = R::storeAll( $beans ); asrt( (int) R::count( 'bean' ), 2 ); R::trashAll( R::batch( 'bean', $ids ) ); asrt( (int) R::count( 'bean' ), 0 ); testpack( 'test assocManager check' ); $rb = new OODB( R::getWriter() ); try { $rb->getAssociationManager(); fail(); } catch ( RedException $e ) { pass(); } } /** * Test Bean identity equality. */ public function testBeanIdentityEquality() { $beanA = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $beanB = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $beanA->id = 1; $beanB->id = 1; asrt( $beanA->equals( $beanB ), TRUE ); asrt( $beanB->equals( $beanA ), TRUE ); asrt( $beanA->equals( $beanA ), TRUE ); asrt( $beanB->equals( $beanB ), TRUE ); $beanB->id = 2; asrt( $beanA->equals( $beanB ), FALSE ); asrt( $beanB->equals( $beanA ), FALSE ); $beanA->id = '2'; asrt( $beanA->equals( $beanB ), TRUE ); asrt( $beanB->equals( $beanA ), TRUE ); $beanB = R::dispense( 'carrot' ); $beanB->id = $beanA->id; asrt( $beanA->equals( $beanB ), FALSE ); asrt( $beanB->equals( $beanA ), FALSE ); } /** * Test if adding SimpleModles to a shared list will auto unbox them. */ public function testSharedListsAutoUnbox() { $boxedBean = R::dispense( 'boxedbean' ); $bean = R::dispense( 'bean' ); $model = new SimpleModel(); $model->loadBean($boxedBean); $bean->ownBoxedbeanList[] = $model; try { R::store( $bean ); pass(); } catch ( \Exception $e ) { fail(); } } /** * Test if we can obtain a database server version string * from the Facade. */ public function testGetDatabaseServerVersion() { $version = R::getDatabaseServerVersion(); asrt(is_string($version), TRUE); asrt(strlen($version)>0, TRUE); } }