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File: vendor/gabordemooij/redbean/testing/RedUNIT/Postgres/Partial.php

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namespace RedUNIT\Postgres;

RedUNIT\Postgres as Postgres;
RedBeanPHP\Facade as R;
RedBeanPHP\RedException\SQL as SQLException;

 * Partial Beans
 * This class has been designed to test 'partial bean mode'.
 * In 'partial bean mode' only changed properties are being saved,
 * not entire beans. This can be useful when you have unsupported
 * column types in your table, this is what we test here. In this
 * example we have a table that contains a boolean column, this column
 * does not accept the value '' as FALSE as shown in the test, it will
 * trigger an Invalid Text Representation Exception. Thanks to 'partial beans'
 * we can work around this, by selectively updating the non-boolean properties
 * of the bean. If we choose to update the boolean property this is no longer
 * a problem because we set the value ourselves it will be compatible. However
 * automatically loaded and stored properties by RedBeanPHP are subject to
 * type inference, and the boolean FALSE value will become '', which is the
 * crux of the issue here.
 * @file RedUNIT/Postgres/Partial.php
 * @desc Tests whether 'partial beans' can be used to support non-RB columns
 * @author Gabor de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community
 * @license New BSD/GPLv2
 * (c) G.J.G.T. (Gabor) de Mooij and the RedBeanPHP Community.
 * This source file is subject to the New BSD/GPLv2 License that is bundled
 * with this source code in the file license.txt.
class Partial extends Postgres
     * Excerpt from issue #547:
     * "When I load a bean (via $bean = R::findOne(...);), only change a few
     * values and then call R::store($bean);, it can happen that I get an error like:
     * Error in SQL query:
     * SQLSTATE[22P02]: Invalid text representation:
     * 7 ERROR: invalid input syntax for type boolean: ""
     * This happens, when there is a boolean field set to FALSE and
     * I don't update that field. When R::store() is called,
     * the value isn't translated to '0' but instead stays FALSE. PostgreSQL doesn't like this.
     * When setting a boolean value, it gets converted correctly,
     * but any unchanged values stay of type boolean.
     * @return void
public function testIssue547BoolCol()
R::usePartialBeans( FALSE );
$bean = R::dispense( 'bean' );
$bean->property1 = 'value1';
$id = R::store( $bean );
R::freeze( TRUE );
$bean = R::load( 'bean', $id );
$bean->property1 = 'value1b';
/* we cant save the bean, because there is an unsupported field type in the table */
        /* this was the bug... (or missing feature?) */
try {
R::store( $bean );
//No fail? Then this instance of Postgres is more lenient (newer version) - No further testing for now
        } catch(
SQLException $e ) {
asrt( strpos( $e->getMessage(), 'Invalid text representation' ) > 1, TRUE );
asrt( $e->getSQLState(), '22P02' );
/* solved by adding feature partial beans, now only the changed properties get saved */
R::usePartialBeans( TRUE );
$id = R::store( $bean );
/* no exception... */
/* also test behavior of boolean column in general */
$bean = R::load( 'bean', $id );
asrt( $bean->property1, 'value1b' );
asrt( $bean->property2, FALSE );
$bean->property2 = TRUE;
$id = R::store( $bean );
$bean = R::load( 'bean', $id );
asrt( $bean->property1, 'value1b' );
asrt( $bean->property2, TRUE );
$bean->property2 = FALSE;
$id = R::store( $bean );
$bean = R::load( 'bean', $id );
asrt( $bean->property1, 'value1b' );
asrt( $bean->property2, FALSE );
$bean->property2 = 't';
$id = R::store( $bean );
$bean = R::load( 'bean', $id );
asrt( $bean->property1, 'value1b' );
asrt( $bean->property2, TRUE );
$bean->property2 = 'f';
$id = R::store( $bean );
$bean = R::load( 'bean', $id );
asrt( $bean->property1, 'value1b' );
asrt( $bean->property2, FALSE );
/* but invalid text should not work */
$bean->property2 = 'tx'; //instead of just 't'
try {
$id = R::store( $bean );
        } catch(
SQLException $e ) {
asrt( strpos( $e->getMessage(), 'Invalid text representation' ) > 1, TRUE );
asrt( $e->getSQLState(), '22P02' );
R::usePartialBeans( FALSE );