function redunit_error_handler($errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline) {
$err = "REDUNITERROR: $errno,$errstr,$errfile,$errline";
/* ignore certain errors like deprecated notices that have already been checked in main code */
return FALSE;
echo $err;
throw new \Exception($err);
return TRUE;
chdir( '..' );
$xdebugSupported = (function_exists('xdebug_start_code_coverage'));
if ($xdebugSupported) xdebug_start_code_coverage( XDEBUG_CC_UNUSED | XDEBUG_CC_DEAD_CODE );
require 'testcontainer/rb.php';
//load core classes
require 'RedUNIT.php';
error_reporting( E_ALL );
//Load configuration file
if ( file_exists( 'config/test.ini' ) ) {
$ini = parse_ini_file( "config/test.ini", TRUE );
$travis = FALSE;
} elseif ( file_exists( 'config/test-travis.ini' ) ) {
$ini = parse_ini_file( "config/test-travis.ini", TRUE );
$travis = TRUE;
} else {
die( 'Cant find configuration file.' );
echo '*** RedUNIT ***'.PHP_EOL;
echo 'Welcome to RedUNIT Unit testing framework for RedBeanPHP.'.PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
echo sprintf('PHP version: %s', phpversion());
echo PHP_EOL;
* Define some globals.
global $pdo;
global $currentDriver;
//Load basic functions and classes
require_once( 'helpers/functions.php' );
require_once( 'helpers/classes.php' );
//Load main classes
require_once( 'RedUNIT/Base.php' );
require_once( 'RedUNIT/Blackhole.php' );
require_once( 'RedUNIT/Mysql.php' );
require_once( 'RedUNIT/Postgres.php' );
require_once( 'RedUNIT/Sqlite.php' );
require_once( 'RedUNIT/CUBRID.php' );
require_once( 'RedUNIT/Pretest.php' );
$extraTestsFromHook = array();
$hookPath = '';
$colorMap = array(
'mysql' => '0;31',
'pgsql' => '0;32',
'sqlite' => '0;34',
'CUBRID' => '0;35',
@include 'cli/test_hook.php';
//Configure the databases
if ( isset( $ini['mysql'] ) ) {
$dsn = "mysql:host={$ini['mysql']['host']};dbname={$ini['mysql']['schema']}";
R::addDatabase( 'mysql', $dsn, $ini['mysql']['user'], $ini['mysql']['pass'], FALSE );
R::addDatabase( 'mysqlc', $dsn, $ini['mysql']['user'], $ini['mysql']['pass'], FALSE );
R::addDatabase( 'mysqlc2', $dsn, $ini['mysql']['user'], $ini['mysql']['pass'], FALSE );
R::selectDatabase( 'mysql' );
R::exec( ' SET GLOBAL sql_mode="" ' );
//HHVM on Travis does not yet support PostgreSQL.
if ( defined( 'HHVM_VERSION' ) ) {
unset( $ini['pgsql'] );
} else {
if ( isset( $ini['pgsql'] ) ) {
$dsn = "pgsql:host={$ini['pgsql']['host']};dbname={$ini['pgsql']['schema']}";
R::addDatabase( 'pgsql', $dsn, $ini['pgsql']['user'], $ini['pgsql']['pass'], FALSE );
R::addDatabase( 'pgsqlc', $dsn, $ini['pgsql']['user'], $ini['pgsql']['pass'], FALSE );
R::addDatabase( 'pgsqlc2', $dsn, $ini['pgsql']['user'], $ini['pgsql']['pass'], FALSE );
if ( isset( $ini['sqlite'] ) ) {
R::addDatabase( 'sqlite', 'sqlite:' . $ini['sqlite']['file'], NULL, NULL, FALSE );
R::selectDatabase( 'sqlite' );
if ( isset( $ini['CUBRID'] ) ) {
$dsn = "cubrid:host={$ini['CUBRID']['host']};port=33000;dbname={$ini['CUBRID']['schema']}";
R::addDatabase( 'CUBRID', $dsn, $ini['CUBRID']['user'], $ini['CUBRID']['pass'], FALSE );
R::selectDatabase( 'CUBRID' );
R::exec( 'AUTOCOMMIT IS ON' );
// Function to activate a driver
function activate_driver( $d )
R::selectDatabase( $d );
$arguments = $_SERVER['argc'];
$mode = 'all';
if ( $arguments > 1 ) {
$mode = $_SERVER['argv'][1];
$classSpec = null;
if ( $arguments > 2 ) {
$classSpec = $_SERVER['argv'][2];
$covFilter = null;
if ( $arguments > 3 ) {
$covFilter = $_SERVER['argv'][3];
$path = 'RedUNIT/';
// Possible Selections
$packList = array();
$allPacks = array(
$suffix = array(
// Default (mode == all)
if ( $mode == 'all' ) {
$packList = $allPacks;
} else {
foreach ( $allPacks as $pack ) {
if ( strpos( $pack, $mode ) === 0 ) $packList[] = $pack;
//Add plugin pack to list.
if ( count($packList) === 0 && count($extraTestsFromHook) === 0 ) {
$packList[] = $mode;
// Always include the last ones.
$packList = array_unique(array_merge( $packList, $suffix, $extraTestsFromHook ));
$j = 0;
foreach ( $packList as $testPack ) {
if ( file_exists( $path . $testPack . '.php' ) ) require( $path . $testPack . '.php' );
elseif ( file_exists( $hookPath . $testPack . '.php') ) require( $hookPath . $testPack . '.php' );
$testPack = str_replace( '../', '', $testPack );
if ($j === 1 && $classSpec) {
$testClass = $classSpec;
} else {
$testClassName = str_replace( ' ', '\\', ( str_replace( '/', ' ', $testPack ) ) );
$testClass = '\\RedUNIT\\' . ucfirst( $testClassName );
$test = new $testClass();
$drivers = $test->getTargetDrivers();
maintestpack( str_replace( '_', ' ', get_class( $test ) ) );
$round = 0;
$test->setRound( $round );
if ( $drivers && is_array( $drivers ) ) {
foreach ( $drivers as $driver ) {
if ( !isset( $ini[$driver] ) ) continue;
echo PHP_EOL;
echo '===== DRIVER : (' . $driver . ') =====';
echo PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
if ( isset( $colorMap[$driver] ) ) {
echo "\033[{$colorMap[$driver]}m";
activate_driver( $driver );
$currentDriver = $driver;
$test->setCurrentDriver( $driver );
if ( isset ( $colorMap[$driver] ) ) {
echo "\033[0m";
echo PHP_EOL;
$test->setRound( ++$round );
} else {
if (!$xdebugSupported) {
echo 'Done. No report - XDEBUG not installed.';
$report = xdebug_get_code_coverage();
$misses = 0;
$hits = 0;
$covLines = array();
foreach( $report as $file => $lines ) {
$pi = pathinfo( $file );
if ( $covFilter !== null ) {
if ( strpos( $file, $covFilter ) === FALSE ) continue;
} else {
if ( strpos( $file, '/rb.php' ) === FALSE ) {
if ( strpos( $file, 'phar/' ) === FALSE ) continue;
if ( strpos( $file, '.php' ) === FALSE ) continue;
if ( strpos( $file, 'RedBeanPHP' ) === FALSE ) continue;
$covLines[] = '***** File:'.$file.' ******';
$fileData = file_get_contents( $file );
$fileLines = explode( "\n", $fileData );
$i = 1;
foreach( $fileLines as $covLine ) {
if ( isset( $lines [$i] ) ) {
if ( $lines[$i] === 1 ) {
$covLines[] = '[ OK ] '.$covLine;
$hits ++;
} else if ( $lines[$i] === -1 ){
$covLines[] = '[ MISSED! ] '.$covLine;
$misses ++;
} else {
$covLines[] = '[ - ] '.$covLine;
} else {
$covLines[] = '[ - ] '.$covLine;
$i ++;
$covFile = implode( "\n", $covLines );
@file_put_contents( 'cli/coverage_log.txt', $covFile );
if ( $hits > 0 ) {
$perc = ( $hits / ( $hits + $misses ) ) * 100;
} else {
$perc = 0;
echo 'Code Coverage: '.PHP_EOL;
echo 'Hits: '.$hits.PHP_EOL;
echo 'Misses: '.$misses.PHP_EOL;
echo 'Percentage: '.$perc.' %'.PHP_EOL;
exit( 0 );