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File: examples/mktable.sql

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  Classes of Barton Phillips   MySQL Slideshow   examples/mktable.sql   Download  
File: examples/mktable.sql
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: MySQL Slideshow
Present slideshow from images listed in a database
Author: By
Last change: This is a new version of mysqlslideshow. I have removed all of the class/ stuff and included it in the single file examples/mysqlslidehow.class.php.
The class file now has all of the mysqli logic in the class. It also has what was the mysqlslideshow.php logic after the class.
The other file have been modified to work better.
deleted: class/Error.class.php
deleted: class/SqlException.class.php
deleted: class/dbAbstract.class.php
deleted: class/dbMysqli.class.php
deleted: class/helper-functions.php
deleted: class/mysqlslideshow.class.php
modified: composer.json
deleted: examples/ERROR.log
new file: examples/Pictures/P1010001.JPG
new file: examples/Pictures/P1010002.JPG
new file: examples/Pictures/P1010003.JPG
modified: examples/addimages.php
modified: examples/addupdateimage.php
modified: examples/browserside.html
modified: examples/dbclass.connectinfo.i.php
modified: examples/ie.html
modified: examples/mktable.sql
new file: examples/mysqlslideshow.class.php
deleted: examples/mysqlslideshow.php
modified: examples/serverside.php
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 380 bytes



Class file image Download
-- -- Main slide show table -- drop table if exists mysqlslideshow; CREATE TABLE `mysqlslideshow` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `imageinfo` varchar(255) NOT NULL, /* return from getimagesize(img, extrinfo) serialized */ `subject` text default NULL, `description` text, `data` text, `created` datetime, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;