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File: vendor/jackbooted/util/ClassLocator.php

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  Classes of Brett Dutton   JackBooted PHP Framework   vendor/jackbooted/util/ClassLocator.php   Download  
File: vendor/jackbooted/util/ClassLocator.php
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Description: Class source
Class: JackBooted PHP Framework
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namespace Jackbooted\Util;

use \
 * @copyright Confidential and copyright (c) 2016 Jackbooted Software. All rights reserved.
 * Written by Brett Dutton of Jackbooted Software
 * brett at brettdutton dot com
 * This software is written and distributed under the GNU General Public
 * License which means that its source code is freely-distributed and
 * available to the general public.

 * The ClassLocator scans all the files in all the class folders and associates the name of the class
 * with the file that it is contained in. The way that it does this is by recursing through all the files
 * and looking for the string <b>class MyClass {</b> at the beginning of a line. The system then registers that
 * class as being in the associated file. This information is used by the AutoLoader to locate classes.
 * This class is only used by the autoloader when it cannot fine the class by normal means.
 * Once the array has been created in memory it is serialized out to file <i>(/tmp/ClassLocator.ser)</i>
 * for fast loading. If a class does not exist in the array6 when it is queried, then the file is recreated
 * This will ensure that you can create classes and the system will continue to know where they are.
 * <b>Third Party Libraries</b><br>
  * You can load third party libraries with the autoloader by creating a class with a dummy class name in comments and
 * require_once the file containing the third party library. Example:
 * <pre>
 * &lt;?php
 * /*
 * The tag below will fool the ClassLocator to associating this class with this file
 * class Smarty
 * * /
 * // This is a dummy include so that the autoloader finds this class and loads it up
 * require_once( dirname ( dirname( __FILE__) ) . "/3rdparty/smarty/Smarty.class.php" );
 * ?&gt;
 * </pre>
 * @see AutoLoader
class ClassLocator extends \Jackbooted\Util\JB {
     * Location of the serialization file
const LOCATOR_FILE = '/tmp/R_U_ClassLocator.ser';

     * @var string Regular expression that searches for the classes, abstracts, interfaces etc
private static $regexClassSearch = '/^\s*\b(interface|trait|class|abstract\s*class|final\s*class)\b/';
    private static
$regexNameSpaceSearch = '/namespace\s*([\\\\[:alnum:]]*)\s*/';
    private static
    private static
$log = null;

     * Initializes the system. This is called by the Autoloader
     * @param string $classDirectory You can pass in the name of the classes folder for the program to scan.
public static function init ( $classDirectory=null ) {
self::$log = Log4PHP::logFactory( __CLASS__ );
        if (
$classDirectory == null ) $classDirectory = dirname( __FILE__ );
self::$defaultInstance = new ClassLocator ( $classDirectory );

    public static function
getLocation ( $className ) {
self::$defaultInstance->getClassLocation ( $className );

    public static function
getDefaultClassLocator ( ) {


    public function
__construct ( $classDirectory=null ) {
$this->classesDir = $classDirectory;
$this->locatorFile = PHPExt::getTempDir () . '/ClassLocator' . md5 ( var_export ( $classDirectory, true ) ) . '.ser';
self::$log->trace ( "Locator File: {$this->locatorFile}" );

     * Get the locator array. This is mostly used for testing, and not generally
     * required for most applications
     * @return array The locator array.
public function getLocatorArray() {

     * This is the method that you call to locate the class.
     * @param string $className Name of the class that youb are trying to locate
     * @return string The name of the file that it is contained in otherwise FALSE
public function getClassLocation ( $className ) {
        if ( ! isset(
$this->locationArray ) ) $this->loadArrayFromDisk ();

//echo '<pre>';
        //print_r ( $this->locationArray );
        //echo '<pre>';
        // If the class location exists then send it back
if ( isset ( $this->locationArray[$className] ) &&
file_exists ( $this->locationArray[$className] ) ) {
        else if (
substr( $className, 0, 1 ) == '\\' ) {
$relativeClassName = substr( $className, 1 );
            if ( isset (
$this->locationArray[$relativeClassName] ) &&
file_exists ( $this->locationArray[$relativeClassName] ) ) {

// If made it to here then regenerate the array
$this->locationArray = [];

$timer = new Stopwatch ( 'ClassLocator Regen' );
        if (
is_string ( $this->classesDir ) ) {
$cDir = $this->classesDir;
        else if (
is_array( $this->classesDir ) ){
$cDir = join(', ', $this->classesDir );
self::$log->info ( "Regenerating class locator array ({$cDir})" );

        if (
is_string ( $this->classesDir ) ) {
$this->regenerateLocationArray ( $this->classesDir );
        else if (
is_array ( $this->classesDir ) ) {
            foreach (
$this->classesDir as $dir ) {
$this->regenerateLocationArray ( $dir );

$this->saveLocationArray ();
        if ( isset(
$this->locationArray[$className] ) ) return $this->locationArray[$className];

self::$log->error( "$className not found. Continual calls to this class will affect system performance" );

     * Loads the location array from the file
     * @return void
private function loadArrayFromDisk () {
        if ( !
file_exists( $this->locatorFile ) ) return;

$fd = fopen( $this->locatorFile , 'r' );
        if (
$fd === false ) return;

$serializeLocator = fgets ( $fd );
$locatorArray = @unserialize ( $serializeLocator );
fclose( $fd );

        if (
$locatorArray === false ) return;
$this->locationArray = $locatorArray;

     * Searches all the files in the passed directory and scans them for classes
     * @param string $classesDir
private function regenerateLocationArray ( $classesDir ) {
$handle = opendir ( $classesDir );
        while (
false !== ( $file = readdir ( $handle ) ) ) {
            if (
strpos ( $file, '.' ) === 0 ) continue;

$fullPathName = $classesDir . '/' . $file;
            if (
is_dir ( $fullPathName ) ) {
$this->regenerateLocationArray ( $fullPathName );
            else {
$this->scanFileForClasses ( $fullPathName );
closedir ( $handle );

     * Scans the file for class declarations. Looks for name space declarations and
     * adds them to the class name
     * @param string $fullPathName
     * @return void
private function scanFileForClasses ( $fullPathName ) {
        if ( !
file_exists( $fullPathName ) ) return;

// Do not bother with this file
if ( $fullPathName == __FILE__ ) return;

$namespace = '';
$nameSpaceMatches = null;

$fd = fopen( $fullPathName , 'r' );
        while (
false !== ( $line = fgets( $fd ) ) ) {

// Check if this has a name space.
if ( preg_match ( self::$regexNameSpaceSearch, $line, $nameSpaceMatches ) ) {
                if ( isset(
$nameSpaceMatches[1] ) && $nameSpaceMatches[1] != false ) {
$namespace = $nameSpaceMatches[1] . '\\';

            if (
preg_match ( self::$regexClassSearch, $line ) ) {
$className = preg_replace ( self::$regexClassSearch, '', $line );
$className = preg_replace ( '/\b(extends|implements).*/', '', $className );
$className = preg_replace ( '/\{.*/', '', $className );
$className = preg_replace ( '/\s*/', '', $className );
$className = $namespace . $className;

                if ( isset (
$this->locationArray[$className] ) ) {
self::$log->warn ( "Duplicate class found ({$className}) in file {$fullPathName} and " . $this->locationArray[$className] );
$this->locationArray[$className] = $fullPathName;
fclose( $fd );

     * Saves the array out to disk
     * @return void
private function saveLocationArray () {

$fd = fopen( $this->locatorFile , 'w' );
        if (
$fd === false ) return;

fputs( $fd, serialize( $this->locationArray ) );
fclose( $fd );

     * Deletes the serialization file. Protected, only used for testing
     * @return void
public function getLocatorFile () {