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PHP Font Face Performance Control: Optimize the load of page fonts embedding into CSS

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font-performance-con 1.0.0GNU Free Document...5HTML, PHP 5, Performance and optimiza...


This package can optimize the load of page fonts embedding into CSS.

It takes a the URL of a given font to use in a Web pages and retrieves the font data file.

The class generates CSS styles that embed the definition of the retrieved font data, so it can be pre-loaded in a separate CSS stylesheet or embedded in the current Web page.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
July 2018
Number 5
Some Web sites need to use special fonts to render the text using unusual typography.

Using non-standard fonts may require that the pages take a longer time to load.

This package provides a solution that can be used accelerate the load of Web pages with custom fonts. It embeds the font data in the HTML page, so the font loads with the page itself.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of riccardo castagna
  Performance   Level  
Name: riccardo castagna is available for providing paid consulting. Contact riccardo castagna .
Classes: 7 packages by
Country: Italy Italy
Age: 56
All time rank: 100637 in Italy Italy
Week rank: 227 Up14 in Italy Italy Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x

Winner: 1x


* Author: Riccardo Castagna MBA, PHP developer - Palermo (ITALY) *
* This php package solves the problem to charge an external font resource *
* with the "controlling font performance" using font-display options. *
* This option is useful, to fast load the external font and in general to have the control over browser behavioral *
* and, in particular, over how the different browsers have to load the external font. *
* This option is useful to make all text remains visible during web font loads, *
* leveraging the font-display CSS feature to ensure text is user-visible while web fonts are loading. *
* At the moment is no possible to add at any external font resource the font-display options, *
* when you call the query, for example, through google font API: *
* "" *
* and you wish to add the descriptor param: "&font-display=fallback" *
* making something like this query: *
* "". *
* Also with the alternative method using @import url(//; inside css you are *
* not able to set up the values for font-display. And not even, I think I'm not wrong (I gave only a quick *
* look at this library), with the JavaScript library: *
* Web Font Loader: *
* At the moment the only way is the manual set up for each *
* css element: p {font-family: 'MyWebFont', fallback, sans-serif;} *
* As far as I know, google or someone else has not yet solved this issue and, to work, *
* the "font-display" descriptor option must be inserted as value inside the css function @font-face{...}. *
* *
* A possible way is, to use the PHP to manipulate this external resourse and add *
* the font-display option param inside the css function, moreover, in this way, the API keys, when these are necessary, *
* will be hidden. *
* With this php class there is also the possibility (VIEW:ADVANCED CLASS USAGE EXAMPLE N?2 FILE: INDEX_2.PHP) *
* to load the external fonts all together simultaneously, index_2.php. *
* To avoid changing this demo into a cyber attack to google servers, and if we want to prevent *
* google killing me and you; I joke, obviously, I joke ... ;), in the example N 2, I have entered the possibility, *
* for the external font files to be stored locally setting a param option: true for locally stored and false for not. *
* Since, usually, we don't change fonts every day, why we have to connect each time to this external resources ? *
* Is it necessary .... ? My thought is no, it is not necessary, instead, it need to set the .htaccess file with *
* a long time cache for the font files. *
* In the EXAMPLE TWO I have loaded seven different font simultaneously from only one server, *
* seven are too much, but I did it only for testing to show *
* that also in this case, with seven different fonts, all text remains visible with *
* the set up of the font-display during web fonts load. *
* Simultaneously, when the param option is set to true, *
* became only the check of the server to the external font resource, and the resources are downloaded only *
* if locally don't exists. *
* To avoid the critical request chain *
* I have set up to defer (load asynchronously) the style with a small escamotage: *
* <style media="none" onload="if(media!='all')media='all'" > * *
* *
* $ref= new Fontperformance; *
* $font_1 = $ref->fontdisplay("link_to_font_api","fallback"); *
* $font_2 = $ref->fontdisplay("link_to_font_api","auto"); *
* Where param 1 is a string, is the link to external font resource, in this example through google font api. *
* param 2 is a string, is the performance controlling option. Possible values are: *
* auto | block | swap | fallback | optional *
* *
* $ref= new Fontperformance; *
* $apilink = array("link_to_font_api_1","link_to_font_api_n", ....); *
* $ref->multi_simul_fontdisplay($apilink,"fallback", true ); *
* where the params1 is an array with all links to the font api, it's good, also, for only one font, *
* and where the param 2 is a string, is the performance controlling option. Possible values are: *
* auto | block | swap | fallback | optional , this will return an array with all fonts, *
* param 3: true o false, true for storing locally the exernal fonts, false for not storing, (default value is false). *
* *
* For a complete reference guide about font-display descriptor values please consult: *
* *
* *
$ref= new Fontperformance;
$font_display = $ref->fontdisplay("","fallback");
$font_display_2 = $ref->fontdisplay("","fallback");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='it'>
    <title>Controlling Font Performance with font-display</title>
    <meta charset='utf-8'>
    <meta name='description' content='Controlling Font Performance with font-display'>
    <meta name='keywords' content='Font Performance font-display'>
    <meta name='author' content='Riccardo Castagna'>
    <meta name='robots' content='all'>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <!-- <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge'> -->
    <link href='./php-icon.png' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/png'>
<style media="none" onload="if(media!='all')media='all'" >
<?php echo $font_display, $font_display_2; ?>
body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
h1,h2, .montserrat {font-family:"Montserrat Alternates";}
.tangerine {font-family:"Tangerine";font-size: 40px;}
font-size: 35px;
text-align: center;
h2 {font-size: 28px;text-align: center;}
p {
font-size: 16px;
   <div class="title">
     <h1 >Controlling Font Performance with font-display, example n&deg;1</h1>
    <p class="montserrat"> This php package solves the problem to charge an external font resource<br>
 with the <strong>"controlling font performance"</strong> using font-display options.<br><br>
 This option is useful, to fast load the external font and in general to have the control over browser behavioral<br>
 and, in particular,<br> over how the different browsers have to load the external font.<br><br>
 <strong>This option is useful to make all text remains visible during web font loads,<br>
 leveraging the font-display CSS feature to ensure text is user-visible while web fonts are loading.</strong><br><br>
 At the moment is no possible to add at any external font resource the font-display options,<br>
 when you call the query, for example, through google font API:<br>
 and you wish to add the descriptor param: "&font-display=fallback"<br>
 making something like this query:<br>
 Also with the alternative method using @import url(//; inside css you are<br>
 not able to set up the values for font-display.<br> And not even, I think I'm not wrong (I gave only a quick<br>
 look at this library), with the JavaScript library:<br>
 <a href="">Web Font Loader </a><br>
 At the moment the only way is the manual set up for each<br>
 css element: p {font-family: 'MyWebFont', fallback, sans-serif;}<br><br>
 As far as I know, google or someone else has not yet solved this issue and, to work,<br>
 the "font-display" descriptor option must be inserted as value inside the css function @font-face{...}.<br><br>
 In short,<a href="">as reported by the W3C</a>, when a font is served by a third-party font foundry,<br> the developer does not control the @font-face rules[..],<br>
 the importance to set a default policy for an entire font-family<br> is also useful to avoid the ransom note effect (i.e. mismatched font faces).<br><br>
 <strong> A possible way is, to use the PHP to manipulate this external resourse and add<br>
 the font-display option param inside the css function, moreover, in this way, the API keys, when these are necessary,<br>
 will be hidden.</strong><br><br>
 With this php class there is also the possibility (VIEW:ADVANCED CLASS USAGE EXAMPLE N&deg;2 FILE: INDEX_2.PHP)<br>
 to load the external fonts all together simultaneously, index_2.php.<br>
 To avoid changing this demo into a cyber attack to google servers, and if we want to prevent<br>
 google killing me and you; I joke, obviously, I joke ... ;), in the example N&deg;2, I have entered the possibility,<br>
 for the external font files, to be stored locally setting a param option: true for locally stored and false for not.<br>
 Since, usually, we don't change fonts every day, why we have to connect each time to this external resources ?<br>
 Is it necessary .... ? My thought is no, it is not necessary, instead, it need to set the .htaccess file with<br>
 a long time cache for the font files.<br>
 In the EXAMPLE TWO I have loaded seven different font simultaneously from only one server,<br>
 seven are too much, but I did it only for testing to show<br>
 that also in this case, with seven different fonts, all text remains visible with<br>
 the set up of the font-display during web fonts load.<br>
 Simultaneously, when the param option is set to true,<br>
 became only the check of the server to the external font resource, and the resources are downloaded only<br>
 if locally don't exists.<br><br>
 To avoid the <a href="">critical request chain</a><br>
 I have set up to defer (load asynchronously) the style with a small escamotage:<br>
 style media="none" onload="if(media!='all')media='all'"<br><br>
Here you can see the ligthhouse reports, about performances, of these three demos,<br>example N&deg;1 with two fonts not loaded simultaneously,<br>
 example N&deg;2 with seven different fonts loaded and stored locally and<br>example N&deg;3 with seven different fonts loaded simultaneously but not stored locally.<br>
 These tests are only indicative and to make a correct comparison<br> the quantities should be homogeneous, ie load the same number of fonts.<br>
 In any case, from the various others tests carried out, the fastest is, in any case, the example N&deg;2.<br><br>
 example N&deg;1 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 562,5 ms HTTP RTT, 1.474,6 Kbps down, 675 Kbps up (DevTools)<br>
 CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (DevTools):<br>
 <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 1</a><br>
 example N&deg;1 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 150 ms TCP RTT, 1.638,4 Kbps throughput (Simulated)<br>
 CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (Simulated):<br>
 <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 1</a><br><br>
 example N&deg;2 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 562,5 ms HTTP RTT, 1.474,6 Kbps down, 675 Kbps up (DevTools)<br>
 CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (DevTools):<br>
 <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 2</a><br>
 example N&deg;2 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 150 ms TCP RTT, 1.638,4 Kbps throughput (Simulated)<br>
 CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (Simulated):<br>
 <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 2</a><br><br>
  example N&deg;3 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 562,5 ms HTTP RTT, 1.474,6 Kbps down, 675 Kbps up (DevTools)<br>
 CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (DevTools):<br>
 <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 3</a><br>
 example N&deg;3 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 150 ms TCP RTT, 1.638,4 Kbps throughput (Simulated)<br>
 CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (Simulated):<br>
 <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 3</a><br><br>
 $ref= new Fontperformance;<br>
 $font_1 = $ref->fontdisplay("link_to_font_api","fallback");<br>
 $font_2 = $ref->fontdisplay("link_to_font_api","auto");<br>
 Where param 1 is a string, is the link to external font resource, in this example through google font api.<br>
 param 2 is a string, is the performance controlling option. Possible values are:<br>
 auto | block | swap | fallback | optional<br><br>
 $ref= new Fontperformance;<br>
 $apilink = array("link_to_font_api_1","link_to_font_api_n", ....);<br>
 where the params1 is an array with all links to the font api,<br> it's good, also, for only one font,<br>
 and where the param 2 is a string, is the performance controlling option. Possible values are:<br>
 auto | block | swap | fallback | optional <br>,
 param 3: true o false, true for storing locally the exernal fonts, false for not storing, (default value is false),
<br> this will return an array with all fonts.<br>
        For a complete reference guide about font-display descriptors please consult:<br>
        <a href="">Controlling Font Performance with font-display
        <a href="">W3C font display</a><br><br>
        <a href="">info & contacts</a>
    <p class="tangerine">Yours sincerely<br>Riccardo Castagna</p>


<h1>Author: Riccardo Castagna MBA, PHP developer - Palermo (ITALY) </h1> <p>This php package solves the problem to charge an external font resource<br> with the <strong>"controlling font performance"</strong> using font-display options.<br><br> This option is useful, to fast load the external font and in general to have the control over browser behavioral<br> and, in particular,<br> over how the different browsers have to load the external font.<br> This option is useful to make all text remains visible during web font loads,<br> leveraging the font-display CSS feature to ensure text is user-visible while web fonts are loading.</p><br><br> <p>At the moment is no possible to add at any external font resource the font-display options,<br> when you call the query, for example, through google font API:<br> ""<br> and you wish to add the descriptor param: "&font-display=fallback"<br> making something like this query:<br> "".<br> Also with the alternative method using @import url(//; inside css you are<br> not able to set up the values for font-display.<br> And not even, I think I'm not wrong (I gave only a quick<br> look at this library), with the JavaScript library:<br> <a href="">Web Font Loader </a><br> At the moment the only way is the manual set up for each<br> css element: p {font-family: 'MyWebFont', fallback, sans-serif;}</p><br><br> <p>As far as I know, google or someone else has not yet solved this issue and, to work,<br> the "font-display" descriptor option must be inserted as value inside the css function @font-face{...}.<br><br> In short, <a href="">as reported by the W3C</a>, when a font is served by a third-party font foundry,<br> the developer does not control the @font-face rules[..],<br> the importance to set a default policy for an entire font-family<br> is also useful to avoid the ransom note effect (i.e. mismatched font faces).<br><br> <strong> A possible way is, to use the PHP to manipulate this external resourse and add<br> the font-display option param inside the css function, moreover, in this way, the API keys, when these are necessary,<br> will be hidden.</strong><br><br> With this php class there is also the possibility (VIEW:ADVANCED CLASS USAGE EXAMPLE N&deg;2 FILE: INDEX_2.PHP)<br> to load the external fonts all together simultaneously, index_2.php.<br> To avoid changing this demo into a cyber attack to google servers, and if we want to prevent<br> google killing me and you; I joke, obviously, I joke ... ;), in the example N&deg;2, I have entered the possibility,<br> for the external font files, to be stored locally setting a param option: true for locally stored and false for not.<br> Since, usually, we don't change fonts every day, why we have to connect each time, to all part of the world, to load this external resources ?<br> Is it necessary .... ? Is it fast ? My thought is no and speed test give me reason to belive that it is not necessary, instead, it need to set the .htaccess file with<br> a long time cache for the font files.<br> In the EXAMPLE TWO I have loaded seven different font simultaneously from only one server,<br> seven are too much, but I did it only for testing to show<br> that also in this case, with seven different fonts, all text remains visible with<br> the set up of the font-display during web fonts load.<br> Simultaneously, when the param option is set to true,<br> became only the check of the server to the external font resource, and the resources are downloaded only<br> if locally don't exists.</p><br><br> <p>To avoid the <a href="">critical request chain</a><br> I have set up to defer (load asynchronously) the style with a small escamotage:<br> style media="none" onload="if(media!='all')media='all'"<br><br> Here you can see the ligthhouse reports, about performances, of these three demos,<br>example N&deg;1 with two fonts not loaded simultaneously,<br> example N&deg;2 with seven different fonts loaded and stored locally and<br>example N&deg;3 with seven different fonts loaded simultaneously but not stored locally.<br> These tests are only indicative and to make a correct comparison<br> the quantities should be homogeneous, ie load the same number of fonts.<br> In any case, from the various others tests carried out, the fastest is, obviously, the example N&deg;2.<br><br> example N&deg;1 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 562,5 ms HTTP RTT, 1.474,6 Kbps down, 675 Kbps up (DevTools)<br> CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (DevTools):<br> <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 1</a><br> example N&deg;1 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 150 ms TCP RTT, 1.638,4 Kbps throughput (Simulated)<br> CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (Simulated):<br> <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 1</a><br><br> example N&deg;2 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 562,5 ms HTTP RTT, 1.474,6 Kbps down, 675 Kbps up (DevTools)<br> CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (DevTools):<br> <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 2</a><br> example N&deg;2 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 150 ms TCP RTT, 1.638,4 Kbps throughput (Simulated)<br> CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (Simulated):<br> <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 2</a><br><br> example N&deg;3 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 562,5 ms HTTP RTT, 1.474,6 Kbps down, 675 Kbps up (DevTools)<br> CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (DevTools):<br> <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 3</a><br> example N&deg;3 Emulated Nexus 5X, Throttled Fast 3G network,<br> Network throttling: 150 ms TCP RTT, 1.638,4 Kbps throughput (Simulated)<br> CPU throttling: 4x slowdown (Simulated):<br> <a href="">lighthouse performance report N 3</a> </p><br><br>


<p><strong>SIMPLE CLASS USAGE EXAMPLE N&deg;1 FILE:INDEX.PHP (FONT-DISPLAY YES, NO SIMULTANEOUSLY CHECK,<br> NO FONT FILES ARE STORED LOCALLY, .HTACCESS CACHE YES);</strong><br> $ref= new Fontperformance;<br> $font_1 = $ref->fontdisplay("link_to_font_api","fallback");<br> $font_2 = $ref->fontdisplay("link_to_font_api","auto");<br> Where param 1 is a string, is the link to external font resource, in this example through google font api.<br> param 2 is a string, is the performance controlling option. Possible values are:<br> auto | block | swap | fallback | optional<br><br>


<strong>ADVANCED CLASS USAGE EXAMPLE N&deg;2 FILE:INDEX_2.PHP (FONT-DISPLAY YES, SIMULTANEOUSLY CHECK YES, ALL FONT FILES ARE STORED LOCALLY IF LOCALLY DO NOT EXIST, .HTACCESS CACHE YES);</strong> $ref= new Fontperformance; $apilink = array("link_to_font_api_1","link_to_font_api_n", ....); $ref->multi_simul_fontdisplay($apilink,"fallback", <strong>true</strong> ); where the params1 is an array with all links to the font api, it's good, also, for only one font, and where the param 2 is a string, is the performance controlling option. Possible values are: auto | block | swap | fallback | optional, <br> param 3: true o false, true for storing locally the exernal fonts, false for not storing, (default value is false),<br> this will return an array with all fonts.<br><br> For a complete reference guide about font-display descriptor please consult:<br> <a href="">Controlling Font Performance with font-display</a><br> <a href="">W3C font display</a><br> <br><br> <strong> 2018.07.27 important update: before this update, with an option, the files were downloaded locally and the client device did not have to connect to the external fonts but the server, however, always did. With this update, in addition to the files of external fonts downloaded, text files are created and the server, verifying the presence of these text files, no longer connects to the server of external fonts. This update further improves web performance and fonts seem to be welded. View example (updated) N&deg;2 (index_2.php) and new example N&deg;4 (index_4.php) </strong><br> <a href="">Info & Contacts</a> </p>

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  • web fonts performance
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Accessible without login Plain text file htaccess Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file index_2.php Example Example script
Accessible without login Plain text file index_3.php Example Example script
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Accessible without login Image file php-icon.png Icon Icon image
Accessible without login Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Accessible without login Plain text file read_me_2.txt Doc. Documentation

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