PHP Classes

What is the best PHP IP information class?: Is there a class to get the company name with the IP address

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What is the best PHP IP information class?


Picture of Stefaan Lesage by Stefaan Lesage - 2 years ago (2022-09-05)

Is there a class to get the company name with the IP address

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I already know the gethostbyaddr function.

Is there a class to get the company name with the IP address as in the API of this website?

https : // / products / ip-company-api

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PHP Utils: Provide general purpose functionality

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Picture of Manuel Lemos by Manuel Lemos Reputation 23985 - 2 years ago (2022-09-06) Comment

That information is taken from the response to the whois server for the specific IP address.

This class provides a function named whois to return the response from the whois server when you query using an IP address.

Then you need to extract the relevant lines of the response that pull the hosting company name, which is the last OrgName.

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